Start 84:85DA JSR ($1CD7,X) Pre PLM Command 84:85DD LDX $1C27 Load room ID 84:85E0 LDA $7EDE1C,X Load timer 84:85E4 DEC A Dec timer 84:85E5 STA $7EDE1C,X 84:85E9 BNE $861D If Timer =/= 0, return 84:85EB LDY $1D27,X Load pointer to next instruction 84:85EE LDA $0000,Y Load next instruction ID 84:85F1 BPL $85FD Go here if it's not a pointer 84:85F3 STA $12 Store instruction ID 84:85F5 INY Inc Y to target argument 84:85F6 INY 84:85F7 PEA $85ED Put 85ED onto stack 84:85FA JMP ($0012) Jump (return address is 85ED) to the PLM routine 84:85FD STA $7EDE1C,X Not a pointer! Store to timer 84:8601 LDA $0002,Y Load thing after the set-timer 84:8604 STA $7EDE6C,X and store here 84:8608 TYA Take the pointer to next instruction 84:8609 CLC 84:860A ADC #$0004 and add four 84:860D STA $1D27,X and return it, to be run when timer is up 84:8610 JSR $861E Edits the blocks where the PLM is located. Also detects if Samus is touching the PLM? 84:8613 LDX $1C27 Reload room ID 84:8616 JSR $848290 Find the X/Y coord PLM to draw 84:861A JSR $8DAA Draw it 84:861D RTS