Ceres Ridley is E13F Norfair Ridley is E17F Apparently most of this code is compatible for either one, though this disassembly is mainly for Norfair Ridley 0020 4FE1 5046 A000 0800 0800 A6 08 0000 0500 F5A0 0100 0000 27B2 0F80 97B2 4180 8AB2 0000 00000000 B2DF 000000000000 2380 8ADF 000000 94B0 02 4CF4 B2F1 0000 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ xx yy ^^yy xxyy ^^^^ xxyy xxyy xxyy xxyy xxyy xxyy xxyy ^^yy xxyyxxyy xxyy xxyyxxyyxxyy xxyy xxyy xxyyxx ^^^^ yy ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ tile pal hp dmg wide high Bank # of hurt Boss AI Part Norm Grap Hurt Froz XRay die PB Tch. Beam tile | | | | get ptr Ptr "hurt" snd. num Init Cnt. Move AI AI AI or anim Pntr Pntr Pntr set | | | name pointer lgth frames 0=>1 AI? Rsrv | | pointer to enemy resistances ??? AI | pointer to enemy drop chances background/foreground Graphic commands (0F92) E538: Initialization (draws and avoids crashing) 17 E5 42 E5 0C 00 83 E9 2F 81 0C 00 A5 E9 2F 81 E690: Opening roar and close mouth 17 E5 AE E6 06 00 83 E9 BE E4 08 00 C7 E9 60 00 E9 E9 08 00 C7 E9 CA E4 01 00 83 E9 2F 81 06 00 A5 E9 BE E4 08 00 0B EA 60 00 2D EA 08 00 0B EA CA E4 01 00 A5 E9 2F 81 E6C8: Death roar 17 E5 DE E6 06 00 83 E9 BE E4 08 00 C7 E9 10 00 E9 E9 CA E4 2F 81 06 00 A5 E9 BE E4 08 00 0B EA 10 00 2D EA CA E4 2F 81 E91D: Fly up and start main AI, I guess 17 E5 45 E9 03 00 83 E9 1F E5 01 00 F4 FF 04 00 4F EA 1F E5 FC FF F8 FF 05 00 71 EA 69 E9 11 00 4F EA 11 00 83 E9 2F 81 03 00 A5 E9 1F E5 FF FF F4 FF 04 00 93 EA 1F E5 04 00 F8 FF 05 00 B5 EA 76 E9 11 00 93 EA 11 00 A5 E9 2F 81 E6F0: Turn from left to right 27 E7 01 00 83 E9 08 00 D7 EA 2F E7 01 00 D7 EA 01 00 A5 E9 2F 81 E706: Turn from right to left 27 E7 01 00 A5 E9 08 00 D7 EA 1C E7 01 00 D7 EA 01 00 83 E9 2F 81 E73A: Fireballing 17 E5 B4 E7 D2 E4 AC E7 08 00 83 E9 BE E4 08 00 C7 E9 02 00 E9 E9 4D E8 04 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 30 00 E9 E9 08 00 C7 E9 D2 E4 AC E7 20 00 83 E9 BE E4 08 00 C7 E9 02 00 E9 E9 4D E8 04 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 E9 E9 4D E8 09 E9 30 00 E9 E9 08 00 C7 E9 CA E4 01 00 83 E9 2F 81 D2 E4 20 E8 08 00 A5 E9 BE E4 08 00 0B EA 02 00 2D EA 4D E8 04 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 30 00 2D EA 08 00 0B EA D2 E4 20 E8 20 00 A5 E9 BE E4 08 00 0B EA 02 00 2D EA 4D E8 04 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 05 00 2D EA 4D E8 09 E9 30 00 2D EA 08 00 0B EA CA E4 01 00 A5 E9 2F 81 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Check left/right, Draw facing current direction Aim fireball Aim fireball Aim fireball Aim fireball Close mouth Close mouth+Wait Open mouth Open mouth Aim fireball Aim fireball Aim fireball Aim fireball Close mouth Close mouth Check Norfair/Health Open mouth Fire lead fireball Fire trailing fireball Fire trailing fireball Fire trailing fireball Fire lead fireball Fire trailing fireball Fire trailing fireball Fire trailing fireball End sound Play roar sound Wait Check Norfair/Health Play roar Wait End AI (Left has an extra aim fireball instruction, 4D E8, here. Removed from these comments to keep Left and Right aligned) Graphic command routines 812F: Stop and wait on this command E4BE: Put 59 in 781E and JSL to 8090CB. Plays roar sound E4CA: STZ $7E:781E (No sound playing?) E4D2: 2 byte argument. If in Norfair or Samus is below 30 health, go to next instruction. Else go to argument, and set main AI script timer to 8 E517: 2 byte argument. Move on to next command if Ridley is facing left, else go to argument. E51F: 4 byte argument. Add the following bytes to Ridley's X / Y position. E71C: Set 7E:7820 to 0 (Ridley is facing left) and JSR to D3F9 (Updates a bunch of tail values. Includes JSR $D3B4: Copy 7 entries from (X) to 7E:(Y), 7E:(Y+14), 7E:(Y+28), 7E:(Y+3C), etc.) E727: Set 7E:7820 to 1 (Ridley is facing forward / turning) E72F: Set 7E:7820 to 2 (Ridley is facing right) and JSR to D3F9 (Updates a bunch of tail values. Includes JSR $D3B4: Copy 7 entries from (X) to 7E:(Y), 7E:(Y+14), 7E:(Y+28), 7E:(Y+3C), etc.) E84D: Calculate fireball angle and X/Y speeds E904: Fires lead fireball ($1995 = 0, LDY #$9642, JSL $868097) E909: Fires following fireball ($1995 = E, LDY #$9642, JSL $868097) E969: Set Ridley's main AI to A6AF, and vertical speed to FEA0. (Ceres) E976: Set Ridley's main AI to B2F3, and vertical speed to FEA0. (Norfair) Graphic Draw Tiles E983: Ridley facing left E9A5: Ridley facing right E9C7: Ridley facing left, mouth half open E9E9: Ridley facing left, mouth open EA0B: Ridley facing right, mouth half open EA2D: Ridley facing right, mouth open EA4F: Ridley facing left, legs half extended EA71: Ridley facing left, legs extended EA93: Ridley facing right, legs half extended EAB5: Ridley facing right, legs extended EAD7: Ridley facing forward Ridley's RAM $0FA8 - Pointer to current Main AI assembly A35B: Startup, 1st run. Moves on to next A377: Startup, initial wait. Moves on to next A389: Startup, eyes appear + wait. Moves on to next A3DF: Startup, main body appears. Moves on to next A455: Startup, Ridley roars. Moves on to next A478: Startup, color background in Norfair, start main AI. Moves on to next A354: Clear speeds, that's it (doesn't move on to anything) A6AF: Startup liftoff, facing left (Ceres) A6C8: Startup liftoff, facing left and slowing down (Ceres) A6E8: Ceres main AI? Not disassembling in this doc. B2F3: Startup liftoff, facing right B321: Get new AI script (main battle engine) B3EC: Initailize movement to center B3F8: Move to center side (goes to B321) B441: Chose to do a U swoop B455: Fly to U swoop start B493: U swoop, first dive B4D1: U swoop, dive to half point B516: U swoop, climb after half point B554: U Swoop, still climbing B594: U Swoop End (Chooses BAB7 for next script if Samus is not spinjumping, else B321) B5C4: Consider tailbouncing B5E5: Considering tailbouncing B613: Hover since Samus is spinjumping B6A7: Fly to start Tailbouncing B6DD: Start tailbouncing B70E: Main tailbouncing B7B9: Tailbouncing, hit ground BAB7: Check to do Deathswoop/Powerbomb dodge/Move-to-Center, or attempt to ram/grab Samus BB8F: Ridley in position to grab Samus, no powerbombs BBC4: Ridley is holding Samus, move towards target position then go to next script BBF1: Drop Samus BC2E: Short time after dropping Samus, before returning to B321 BD4E: Ridley is dodging a power bomb (may be holding Samus) C538: Move Ridley towards 80,148, then go on C53E: Final roar, go on C551: Move to death spot, wait, then lower lava and go on C588: Explosions for death. After a while, drop Samus if needed and go on C5A8: Disable Ridley and go on C5C8: Wait 20 frames and go on C5DA: Wait 100 frames, then drop items, change music, and set boss bit C600: Wait for deletion $0FAA - X speed (1/100 pixels) $0FAC - Y speed (1/100 pixels) $0FAE - Unused $0FB0 - Custom index? Only seen in intro $0FB2 - AI script timer/counter $0FB4 - Unused $0FB6 - Unused $0FEA - Not sure, used by hatchling in Ceres 7E:178C - 7E:178E Unknown, Ceres Ridley writes A6A2F2 here in main AI loop Tail commentary: 2020,X tells if this tail part is rotating (8000) or not(0) 2024,X tells which direction this tail part is rotating in, clockwise (8000) or counterclockwise (0) 202A,X is the angle of the current tail part (3FC0 - 4000 - 4040 = left - down - right) 2014 is used by all tail parts as rotational speed (in 1/100th's of a revolution per frame) 2016 and 2018 are min (clockwise) and max (counterclockwise) angles. Upon reaching one of these angles, the tail starts rotating in the other direction 201A and 201C are clockwise and counterclockwise angle targets. Upon reaching one of these angles, the tail will stop, assuming the previous tail segment has stopped. 2022,X is a counter added to by 2014. Until it reaches 201E, this tail part is never moved/rotated? When reached, start rotation of next part (which also must reach this before it begins rotating) 201E is a threshhold to start rotation (staggers motion along Ridley's tail - without this, Ridley's tail would move all at once and so always be straight) 2026,X tells the distance from the previous tail part to this tail part 2028,X tells the target distance from the previous tail part to this tail part. 0 if unused. When reached, the tail will slowly return to its original position. NOTE: There are hardcoded limits to tail extension. If those limits are reached, the tail will stay at that limit, neither extending nor returning until this value is lowered or zeroed. 2012 is the tail extension speed (1/100th's of a pixel per frame) 202C,X and 202E,X are the current X/Y position of the tail part, inside the room. 2030,X and 2032,X are the current X/Y distances of this tail part from the previous tail part. 7E:2000 - 7E:2001 Tail control index, value is 0 through 8. 0 = inactive, 1 = flinging at Samus, 2 = start tailbouncing, 3 = continue start tailbouncing?, 4 = during tailbouncing, 5 = start extending during tailbouncing, 6 = continue extending during tailbouncing, 7 = strict tail bouncing, with extending, 8 = spin tail around madly 0 CB20: Do nothing, RTS 1 CBC0: Store CC39 to $12, JMP CBDC 2 CB33: Store 8 to 7E2014, JSR CB72, store 3 to 7E2000 (next) 3 CB45: Store 8 to 7E2014, JMP CB72 4 CBC7: Store CD24 to $12, JMP CBDC 5 CBCE: Store CDAA to $12, JMP CBDC 6 CB4E: Store 3 to 7E2014, JSR CB72, store 6 to 7E2000 (this) 7 CB60: Store 2 to 7E2014, JSR CB72, Store 7 to 7E2000 (this) 8 CBD5: Store CCBD to $12, JMP CBDC CB72: Set 4000 to min (if facing left) or max (if facing right), run CBC7, set 2000 to 4 if nothing is rotating CBDC: JSR $12, and update each tail section's angular motion, angle, and x/y position CC39: Fling tail at Samus (or a nearby missile) CCBD: Spin tail around (at Samus. Or a nearby missile. <_<) CD24: Set min and max angles with CBFE, check if rotating with CC1E, If all tail parts are rotating, set optional min if one isn't in use yet and 8 tailspeed. Else if none are rotating, disable optional caps, set control to 5 if moving down, if an unknown timer is 0 (always is as far as I know), set tail to rotating at speed 8. CDAA: Extend tail while tail bouncing 7E:2002 - 7E:2003 Unknown. Initialized to 1 by Ceres Ridley, otherwise never seen 7E:2004 - 7E:2005 Tail fling trigger 7E:200A - 7E:200B Sort of 1 byte signed with 200B. 1/2 number of revolutions to make when spinning Ridley's tail 7E:2010 - 7E:2011 Timer to start tail movement? It seems to always be 0 7E:2012 - 7E:2013 Tail extension speed. Initialized to F0 7E:2014 - 7E:2015 Angular speed of tail? Initialized to 1. Set to 1 if dodging a powerbomb, 8 if tailbouncing (?). 7E:2016 - 7E:2017 Minimum (clockwise) angle. Initialized to 3FF0, 3FF0 if left, 3FC0 if right. 7E:2018 - 7E:2019 Maximum (counterclockwise) angle. Initialized to 4040, 4040 if left, 4010 if right. 7E:201A - 7E:201B Optional clockwise target of 202A. Minus means unused. If used, store #$0C00 to 2028, 202A - 2014 = new 202A unless smaller than 201A. If smaller than 201A: If first tail segment, or previous segment isn't rotating, 202A = 201A, stop rotation, switch direction. Else STZ 2024 and 202A = 2016 7E:201C - 7E:201D Optional counterclockwise target of 202A. Minus means unused. If used, store #$0C00 to 2028, 202A + 2014 = new 202A unless larger than 201C. If larger than 201C: If first tail segment, or previous segment isn't rotating, 202A = 201C, stop rotation, switch direction. Else 2024 = #$8000 and 202A = 2018 7E:201E - 7E:201F Movement threshold. Initialized to 10, Ceres Ridley sometimes sets to a random number between 7 and 16 (hex) ;Tail 1 starts here 7E:2020 - 7E:2021 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:2022 - 7E:2023 Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:2024 - 7E:2025 Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:2026 - 7E:2027 Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from Ridley to this tail part. 7E:2028 - 7E:2029 Target distance from Ridley to this tail part. Not actually used for tail part 1, I think 7E:202A - 7E:202B Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right) (Also used by next tail part to calculate its own absolute angle) 7E:202C - 7E:202D X position of Tail part 1. Set to Ridley's X position + $2030, +#$FFE0 if facing right 7E:202E - 7E:202F Y position of Tail part 1. 7E:2030 - 7E:2031 X distance from Ridley (possibly modified) to Tail part 1. 7E:2032 - 7E:2033 Y distance from Ridley to Tail part 1. ;Tail 2 starts here 7E:2034 - 7E:2035 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:2036 - 7E:2037 Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:2038 - 7E:2039 Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:203A - 7E:203B Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:203C - 7E:203D Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:203E - 7E:203F Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:2040 - 7E:2041 X position of this tail part 7E:2042 - 7E:2043 Y position of this tail part 7E:2044 - 7E:2045 X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:2046 - 7E:2047 Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;Tail 3 starts here 7E:2048 - 7E:2049 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:204A - 7E:204B Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:204C - 7E:204D Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:204E - 7E:204F Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:2050 - 7E:2051 Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:2052 - 7E:2053 Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:2054 - 7E:2055 X position of this tail part 7E:2056 - 7E:2057 Y position of this tail part 7E:2058 - 7E:2059 X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:205A - 7E:205B Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;Tail 4 starts here 7E:205C - 7E:205D Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:205E - 7E:205F Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:2060 - 7E:2061 Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:2062 - 7E:2063 Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:2064 - 7E:2065 Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:2066 - 7E:2067 Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:2068 - 7E:2069 X position of this tail part 7E:206A - 7E:206B Y position of this tail part 7E:206C - 7E:206D X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:206E - 7E:206F Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;Tail 5 starts here 7E:2070 - 7E:2071 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:2072 - 7E:2073 Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:2074 - 7E:2075 Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:2076 - 7E:2077 Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:2078 - 7E:2079 Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:207A - 7E:207B Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:207C - 7E:207D X position of this tail part 7E:207E - 7E:207F Y position of this tail part 7E:2080 - 7E:2081 X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:2082 - 7E:2083 Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;Tail 6 starts here 7E:2084 - 7E:2085 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:2086 - 7E:2087 Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:2088 - 7E:2089 Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:208A - 7E:208B Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:208C - 7E:208D Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:208E - 7E:208F Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:2090 - 7E:2091 X position of this tail part 7E:2092 - 7E:2093 Y position of this tail part 7E:2094 - 7E:2095 X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:2096 - 7E:2097 Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;Tail tip starts here 7E:2098 - 7E:2099 Initialized to 0. 8000 = Moving and/or rotating. 7E:209A - 7E:209B Initialized to 11. Counter to wait (must reach 201E, 2014 is added every frame 2020,X is set) till this tail segment actually starts rotating, and next tail segment's 2020,X is set to 8000 7E:209C - 7E:209D Which direction this tail segment is rotating. 8000 = clockwise (- angle), 0 = counterclockwise (+ angle) 7E:209E - 7E:209F Distance (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:20A0 - 7E:20A1 Target distance from previous tail part to this tail part. 7E:20A2 - 7E:20A3 Angle of this tail part (3FC0, left, to 4040, right). Previous tail part's angle is also added to this angle to get the actual angle. 7E:20A4 - 7E:20A5 X position of this tail part 7E:20A6 - 7E:20A7 Y position of this tail part 7E:20A8 - 7E:20A9 X distance from previous tail part to this tail part 7E:20AA - 7E:20AB Y distance from previous tail part to this tail part ;End of tail data 7E:20AC - 7E:20BF? Extra unused data written to by tail tip for the non-existent 'next tail part' 7E:7000?- 7E:77FF? Table of some sort for enemies. Related to graphics, I think. 7E:7006,X is where in vram the tiles are (I think) 7E:7008,X is which color pallete it uses. 7E:701E,X mirrors 7E:0F78, X 7E:7020,X mirrors 7E:0F7A, X 7E:7022,X mirrors 7E:0F7E, X 7E:7024,X mirrors 7E:0F92, X (Used by Chozo statues for orientation?) 7E:7026,X mirrors 7E:0F86, X 7E:7028,X mirrors 7E:0F88, X 7E:702A,X mirrors 7E:0FB4, X 7E:702C,X mirrors 7E:0FB6, X 7E:702E,X-7E:7038,X is the enemy's name, if it has one. Else #$0000 7E:7800 - 7E:7801 General use timer for main battle AI script 7E:7802 - 7E:7803 Initialized to 0. 1 = main battle AI is active, FFFF = Ded 7E:7804 - 7E:7805 Ridley is active? Initialized to 1 by Norfair Ridley, 0 by Ceres Ridley 7E:7806 - 7E:7807 Used for Hatchling Metroid's graphic draw, initialized to BF31 by Ceres Ridley 7E:7808 - 7E:7809 Used for Hatchling Metroid's graphic draw, initialized to 1 by Ceres Ridley 7E:780C - 7E:780D Unknown, initialized to 1 7E:780E - 7E:780F Wing flap frame 7E:7810 - 7E:7811 Wing flap speed 7E:7812 - 7E:7813 Wing flap counter (<0 means advance wingflap frame) 7E:7814 - 7E:7815 Ridley's current angle of motion (only for U swoops?) (0 = down, increase is counterclockwise) 7E:7816 - 7E:7817 Ridley's U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) 7E:7818 - 7E:7819 Wing/Tail pallete for Ridley? 7E:781A - 7E:781B Ridley's hit counter for Ceres? Initialized to 0 7E:781C - 7E:781D Ridley's tail sound counter: If moving at full speed for 10 frames, play spinjump-like sound. 7E:781E - 7E:781F Current sound playing? 7E:7820 - 7E:7821 Direction faced (0 = left, 1 = front, 2 = right). Initialized to 2 by Norfair Ridley, 0 by Ceres Ridley. 7E:7824 General use 'speed' byte set aside for Ridley? 7E:782E - 7E:782F Target X location when holding Samus 7E:7830 - 7E:7831 Target Y location when holding Samus 7E:7832 - 7E:7833 X component of speed to fire fireballs at 7E:7834 - 7E:7835 Y component of speed to fire fireballs at 7E:7836 - 7E:7837 Flag? Ridley is holding Samus? 7E:7838 - 7E:7839 Tail tip damage. Initialized to 78 by Norfair Ridley, F by Ceres Ridley 7E:783A - 7E:783B Never initialized, always 0. 7E:783E - 7E:783F Which wall was hit last frame: 0 = none, 1 = left, 2 = right, 4 = top, 8 = bottom. 4 and 8 take priority over 1 and 2, even though as bits they should allow overlap. 7E:8000 - 7E:8001 Initialized to 40 by Norfair Ridley, FFE0 by Ceres Ridley. Upmost allowed Y position 7E:8002 - 7E:8003 Initialized to 1A0 by Norfair Ridley, B0 by Ceres Ridley. Downmost allowed Y position 7E:8004 - 7E:8005 Initialized to 40 by Norfair Ridley, 28 by Ceres Ridley. Leftmost allowed X position 7E:8006 - 7E:8007 Initialized to E0 by both Ridleys, seperately. Rightmost allowed X position 7E:8008 - 7E:8009 Unknown timer. Never initialized, always 0, no effect. 7E:800A - 7E:800B Ridley's final attack swoop counter? 7E:800C - 7E:800D 'Counter', used to cause Ridley to start his fireball AI every other tailbounce 7E:800E - 7E:800F Timer for death explosions 7E:8010 - 7E:8011 Index for death explosions 7E:8800 - 7E:8801 JSRed to by Ceres Ridley's main code, initialized to BE9C by Ceres Ridley 7E:8804 - 7E:8805 X position of metroid hatchling 7E:8808 - 7E:8809 Y position of metroid hatchling 7E:C0E2 - 7E:C0FF Background color pallete 7E:C122 - 7E:C137 Mirror of Ridley's colors while appearing except eyes? (C1E2 - C1F7) 7E:C1E2 - 7E:C1EF Ridley's color pallete? \ 7E:C1F0 - 7E:C1F7 Ridley's wing pallete? |- Exact offset groups are unknown 7E:C1F8 - 7E:C1FC Ridley's eye color pallete? / 7E:C2E2 - 7E:C2FF Unknown, initialized to 0 by Norfair Ridley 7E:C340 - 7E:C37F Unknown, initialized 7E:C3E2 - 7E:C3FF Unknown, initialized to 0 Main AI Scripts A35B: Startup, Part 1 { LDA $0797 ;Room transition flag BNE BRANCH_ALPHA ;Skip until room transition is finished? LDA #$A377 STA $0FA8 ;New AI script LDA #$0200 LDY $079F ;Region number CPY #$0002 ;Check if Norfair BNE BRANCH_BETA LDA #$00AA BRANCH_BETA: ;Norfair: A = AA. Ceres: A = 200 STA $0FB2 ;Variable use timer A377_SCRIPT: ;Startup, invisibility timer script? DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$A389 STA $0FA8 ;New AI script STZ $0FB0 ;Variable use index STZ $0FB2 ;Timer? BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } A389: Startup, Eyes appear { LDA $0FB0 ;Variable use index (should be 0 first time coming here) BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Never branches, I think TAY INC $0FB2 ;Variable use timer? LDA $0FB2 CMP #$0001 ;Run script every 1 frame BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ; STZ $0FB2 TYX ;value is from $0FB0 LDA $E269, X ;1 byte values from F to 0 (10 values), then 30 more 00's, and finally an FF (41 values total) AND #$00FF CMP #$00FF BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branches at X = 40 STA $12 ASL A CLC ADC $12 ASL A ;Multiplied by 6 TAY INX STX $0FB0 ;$0FB0 = $0FB0 + 1 LDX #$01F8 LDA $E2AA, Y ;Y = 6*(eye color index) STA $7EC000, X ;Setting Ridley's eye color pallete? LDA $E2AC, Y STA $7EC002, X LDA $E2AE, Y STA $7EC004, X BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_BETA STZ $0FB0 ;Zero out custom value LDA #$A3DF STA $0FA8 ;New AI script LDA #$0001 STA $7E7804 ;Activate Ridley RTS } A3DF: { INC $0FB2 ;Variable use timer, initialized to 0 LDA $0FB2 CMP #$0002 ;Run script every 2 frames BCC BRANCH_ALPHA STZ $0FB2 ;reset timer LDY $0FB0 ;Custom value, starts as 0 LDA #$0122 STA $12 LDA #$01E2 ;Ridley's color pallete index STA $14 LDA #$000B ;Run inside Beta loop B (11) times BRANCH_BETA PHA LDA $E30A, Y LDX $12 STA $7EC000, X ;Mirror of Ridley's colors while appearing? LDX $14 STA $7EC000, X ;Update Ridley's colors INY INY INC $12 INC $12 INC $14 INC $14 PLA DEC A BNE BRANCH_BETA CPY #$0160 ;Y = #$0160 after $10 loops through here (20 frames) BCS BRANCH_GAMMA STY $0FB0 BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $079F ;Region CMP #$0002 ;Norfair BNE BRANCH_DELTA LDA #$0002 STA $0F9A ;Layer setting 2 (not sure what that means) if in Norfair BRANCH_DELTA LDA $0F86 AND #$FBFF STA $0F86 ;Enable Samus/Enemy interaction LDY #$0000 STY $0FB0 ;Clear index LDA #$A455 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0004 STA $0FB2 ;Set timer to 4 LDA #$0005 JSL $808FC1 ;Change music control to this RTS } A455: { DEC $0FB2 ;Was initialized to 4 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$E690 ;Ridley roars JSR $D467 ;STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 STZ $0FB2 ;Pointless. It must be 0 because it's here. LDA #$A478 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA $079F CMP #$0002 ;Check if Norfair BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$00FC STA $0FB2 ;Set timer to FC if in Ceres BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } A478: { LDA $079F CMP #$0002 ;Check if Norfair BNE BRANCH_ALPHA DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_$132477 ;RTS LDA #$0002 STA $0FB2 ;Every 2 frames LDA $0FB0 INC A STA $0FB0 ;Increment Index DEC A JSR $A4D6 ;Adjust background colors if necessary { ASL A TAX ;X = 2*(old $0FB0) LDY $A4EB, X ;Pointer to new background colors. Ends at a 0000 BNE BRANCH_ULTIMA SEC RTS BRANCH_ULTIMA LDX #$00E2 LDA #$000E JSL $A9D2E4 ;Copy 2*A bytes from (Y) to 7E:C000,X. Specifically, colors the background. CLC RTS } BCC BRANCH_$132477 ;Loops till no more backgrounds to change LDA #$01B8 STA $197A ;New lava height LDA #$FFA0 STA $197C ;Lava speed LDA #$0020 STA $1980 ;Delay before lava begins moving? BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_$132477 ;RTS BRANCH_BETA STZ $0FB0 LDA #$E91D ;Fly up, start main AI? JSR $D467 ;STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 LDA #$0008 STA $7E7810 ;Wing flap speed STA $7E7812 ;Wing flap counter JSR $D3D9 ;Set all tail parts to moving { LDA #$8000 STA $7E2020 STA $7E2034 STA $7E2048 STA $7E205C STA $7E2070 STA $7E2084 STA $7E2098 RTS } LDA #$0001 STA $7E2000 ;Set tail control index LDA #$A354 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script RTS } A6AF: { LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed CLC ADC #$FFF0 ;1/10 pixel per frame^2 acceleration upwards STA $0FAC LDA $0F7E ;Y position CMP #$0070 ;7 blocks from roof BMI BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$A6C8 ;New AI script STA $0FA8 A6C8: LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed CLC ADC #$0014 ;5/40 pixel per frame^2 acceleration downwards STA $0FAC LDA $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position CMP #$0050 ;5 blocks from roof BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA #$A6E8 ;New AI script STA $0FA8 LDA #$0001 STA $7E7802 ;Main battle AI is active BRANCH_BETA RTS } B2F3: { LDX #$0040 LDY #$0100 STX $12 STY $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$000E JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index { LDA #$0000 STA $1A LDA $D61F, Y ;F entries, 1 byte each, counts from 10 to 1 AND #$00FF STA $18 JSR $D5A9 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X position ($12). Deceleration boost in $1A, acceleration divisor in $18, X is enemy's index { LDA $0F7A, X ;Ridley's X position SEC SBC $12 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;RTS if at $12 BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Go here if right of $12 EOR #$FFFF INC A ;Absolute distance from $12 STA $4204 SEP #$20 LDA $18 STA $4206 ;Divided by $18 REP #$20 XBA XBA NOP NOP LDA $4214 BNE BRANCH_GAMMA INC A BRANCH_GAMMA STA $16 ;Result put in $16, minimum of 1 LDA $0FAA, X BPL BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if moving towards $12 CLC ADC $1A ;Deceleration boost CLC ADC #$0008 ;Extra deceleration boost, I guess ADC $16 BRANCH_DELTA ADC $16 ;Acceleration gradient result (Closer to $12 = more acceleration) CMP #$0500 ;Max speed allowed is 5 pixels per frame BMI BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0500 ;Cap at 5 pixels per frame BRANCH_EPSILON STA $0FAA, X ;Update speed BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_BETA STA $4204 ;Distance from $12 SEP #$20 LDA $18 STA $4206 ;Divided by $18 REP #$20 XBA XBA NOP NOP LDA $4214 BNE BRANCH_ZETA INC A BRANCH_ZETA STA $16 ;Result put in $16, minimum of 1 LDA $0FAA, X BMI BRANCH_THETA ;Branch if moving towards $12 SEC SBC $1A ;Deceleration boost SEC SBC #$0008 ;Extra deceleration boost, I guess SBC $16 BRANCH_THETA SBC $16 ;Acceleration gradient result (Closer to $12 = more acceleration) CMP #$FB00 ;Max speed (er, min velocity) allowed is -5 pixels per frame BPL BRANCH_IOTA LDA #$FB00 ;Cap at -5 pixels per frame BRANCH_IOTA STA $0FAA, X ;Update speed RTS } LDA $0F7E, X ;Ridley's Y position SEC SBC $14 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;RTS if at $14 BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Go here if below $14 EOR #$FFFF INC A ;Absolute distance from $14 STA $4204 SEP #$20 LDA $18 ;Divided by $18 STA $4206 REP #$20 XBA XBA NOP NOP LDA $4214 BNE BRANCH_GAMMA INC A BRANCH_GAMMA STA $16 ;Result put in $16, minimum of 1 LDA $0FAC, X BPL BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if moving towards $14 CLC ADC $1A ;Deceleration boost CLC ADC #$0008 ;Extra deceleration boost, I guess ADC $16 BRANCH_DELTA ADC $16 ;Acceleration gradient result (Closer to $14 = more acceleration) CMP #$0500 ;Max speed allowed is 5 pixels per frame BMI BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0500 ;Cap at 5 pixels per frame BRANCH_EPSILON STA $0FAC, X ;Update speed BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_BETA STA $4204 ;Distance from $14 SEP #$20 LDA $18 ;Divided by $18 STA $4206 REP #$20 XBA XBA NOP NOP LDA $4214 BNE BRANCH_ZETA INC A BRANCH_ZETA STA $16 ;Result put in $16, minimum of 1 LDA $0FAC, X BMI BRANCH_THETA ;Branch if moving towards $14 SEC SBC $1A ;Deceleration boost SEC SBC #$0008 ;Extra deceleration boost, I guess SBC $16 BRANCH_THETA SBC $16 ;Acceleration gradient result (Closer to $14 = more acceleration) CMP #$FB00 ;Max speed (er, min velocity) allowed is -5 pixels per frame BPL BRANCH_IOTA LDA #$FB00 ;Cap at -5 pixels per frame BRANCH_IOTA STA $0FAC, X ;Update speed RTS } LDA #$0008 STA $16 ;X size of target area STA $18 ;Y size of target area JSL $A9EF06 ;Really nice collision detection routine. I'll have to steal *this* one. Checks an enemy with index of X colliding with $12/$14 with a size of $16/$18 { LDA $16 CLC ADC $0F82, X ;Ridley's width INC A STA $1A ;So, $1A = Ridley's width + 9 LDA $12 ;Still an X position from earlier: 40 SEC SBC $0F7A, X ;Ridley's position BPL BRANCH_ALPHA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ALPHA ;A = absolute distance between Ridley and $12 (#$0040) CMP $1A BCS BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if Ridley isn't near #$0040 LDA $18 CLC ADC $0F84, X ;Ridley's height INC A STA $1A ;So, $1A = Ridley's height + 9 LDA $14 ;Still a Y position from earlier: 100 SEC SBC $0F7E, X ;Ridley's position BPL BRANCH_GAMMA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_GAMMA ;A = absolute distance between Ridley and $14 (#$0100) CMP $1A BRANCH_BETA ;Carry Set: No collision. Carry Clear: Collision RTL } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0001 STA $7E7802 ;Ridley's main battle AI is active LDA #$B321 ;Next main AI script STA $0FA8 B321: JSR $B335 ;Get new AI script { LDA $0A1F ;Samus's movement type AND #$00FF CMP #$0003 ;Spin jump BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$B3CC STA $12 ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 8/8 B5C4 RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0F8C ;HP BNE BRANCH_BETA LDA #$B3DC ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 8/8 BAB7 STA $12 LDA $7E800A INC A STA $7E800A ;Death swoop counter RTS BRANCH_BETA CMP #$3840 ;Compare HP to 14400 BPL BRANCH_GAMMA LDY #$B38C ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 4/8 B6A7 and 4/8 B441 STY $12 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA JSR $BD20 ;Check if Y is below #$0160 BCC BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if above LDY #$B3BC ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 8/8 B6A7 STY $12 RTS BRANCH_DELTA JSR $BCF1 ;CLC if spin jump, grappling, or spin back from hurt BCC BRANCH_EPSILON LDY #$B3AC ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 6/8 BAB7 and 2/8 B6A7 STY $12 RTS BRANCH_EPSILON LDY #$B38C ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run: 4/8 B6A7 and 4/8 B441 LDA $0F8C ;HP CMP #$2328 ;Compare HP to 9000 BPL BRANCH_ZETA ;A previous check confirmed over 14400 hp. Ergo, this always branches. Not that it much matters LDY #$B39C ;Pointer to a set of new AI scripts to run if below 9000 HP: 4/8 B441, 4/8 B6A7 BRANCH_ZETA STY $12 RTS } JSL $808111 ;RNG AND #$0007 ASL A TAY LDA ($12), Y ;Grab 1 of 8 random AI scripts, STA $0FA8 ;set as current main AI script, JMP ($0FA8) ;and run it } B3EC: Initailize movement to center { LDA #$B3F8 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0080 STA $0FB2 ;AI script timer B3F8: Move to center side DEC $0FB2 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA LDX #$00C0 LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if facing left LDX #$0060 BRANCH_BETA STX $12 LDY #$0100 STY $14 JSR $B42E ;Y = 4, 8, A, or C, depending on general speed byte LDX #$0000 JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index LDA #$0008 STA $16 STA $18 JSL $A9EF06 ;Checks an enemy with index of X colliding with $12/$14 with a size of $16/$18, CLC if collided BCC BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$B321 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script RTS } B441: Chose to do a U swoop { LDA #$B455 ;Main AI loop for STA $0FA8 LDA #$000A STA $7E7800 ;Initialize timer LDA #$0000 STA $7E7814 ;Initialize movement direction B455: Fly to U swoop start LDX #$00C0 LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction (0 = left, 2 = right) BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDX #$0040 BRANCH_ALPHA STX $12 ;X = Target X position = C0 if facing left, 40 if facing right LDY #$0080 STY $14 ;Target Y position = 80 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0001 JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index LDA #$0008 STA $16 ;Target area X size STA $18 ;Target area Y size JSL $A9EF06 ;Checks an enemy with index of X colliding with $12/$14 with a size of $16/$18, CLC if collided BCS BRANCH_BETA LDA #$B493 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI loop LDA #$0020 STA $7E7800 ;Initialize timer LDA #$0000 STA $7E7814 ;Initialize movement direction BRANCH_BETA RTS } B493: U swoop, first dive { LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction (0 = left, 2 = right) BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$FFE0 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$FE00 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0020 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$0200 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0480 STA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) JSR $D800 ;Update Ridley's U Swoop speed and U Swoop angle, and calculate current X and Y speed { LDA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed CMP $7E7816 ;U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA $7E7816 SEC SBC #$0020 ;Acceleration is fixed at 20 CMP $16 BPL BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $16 BRANCH_GAMMA STA $7E7816 BRA BRANCH_ALPHA BRANCH_BETA LDA $7E7816 CLC ADC #$0020 ;Acceleration is fixed at 20 CMP $16 BMI BRANCH_THETA LDA $16 BRANCH_THETA STA $7E7816 BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $12 ;Angular speed BMI BRANCH_DELTA CLC ADC $7E7814 ;Angle of motion (0 = down, increase moves counterclockwise, 1 loop = 10000) CMP $14 ;Target angle of motion BMI BRANCH_EPSILON BRA BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_DELTA CLC ADC $7E7814 ;Angle of motion (0 = down, increase moves counterclockwise, 1 loop = 10000) CMP $14 ;Target angle of motion BPL BRANCH_EPSILON BRANCH_ZETA LDA $14 BRANCH_EPSILON STA $7E7814 XBA AND #$00FF STA $12 ;$12 = high byte of current angle of motion LDA $7E7816 JSL $86C26C ;A * sin ($12 * 360/256) STA $0FAA ;Ridley's X speed LDA $7E7816 JSL $86C272 ;A * cos ($12 * 360/256) STA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed RTS } LDA $7E7800 ;Timer for current main AI script BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA DEC A STA $7E7800 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$B4D1 ;Next main AI script STA $0FA8 LDA #$0014 STA $7E7800 ;New timer RTS } B4D1: U swoop, dive to half point { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing. 0 = Left, 2 = Right BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$FEC0 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$C000 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0140 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$4000 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0500 STA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) JSR $D800 ;Update Ridley's U Swoop speed and U Swoop angle, and calculate current X and Y speed LDA $7E7800 ;Timer for current main AI script BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA DEC A STA $7E7800 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$B516 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0010 STA $7E7800 ;New timer LDA #$0001 STA $7E2004 ;Tail fling trigger RTS } B516: U swoop, climb after half point { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing. 0 = Left, 2 = Right BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$FE00 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$8800 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0200 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$7800 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0300 STA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) JSR $D800 ;Update Ridley's U Swoop speed and U Swoop angle, and calculate current X and Y speed LDA $7E7800 ;Current main AI script timer BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA DEC A STA $7E7800 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$B554 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0020 STA $7E7800 ;New timer RTS } B554: U Swoop, still climbing { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing. 0 = Left, 2 = Right BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$FC00 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$8800 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0400 STA $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$7800 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0300 STA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) JSR $D800 ;Update Ridley's U Swoop speed and U Swoop angle, and calculate current X and Y speed LDA $7E7800 ;Current main AI script timer BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA DEC A STA $7E7800 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$B594 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0020 STA $7E7800 ;New timer JMP $D955 ... D955: LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing. 0 = Left, 1 = Forward, 2 = Right BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA DEC A BEQ BRANCH_BETA LDA $0F79 ;Find which side of the room Ridley is on: plus = left, minus = right BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA #$E706 BRA BRANCH_GAMMA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0F79 BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA #$E6F0 BRANCH_GAMMA STA $0F92 ;If on the same side of room as facing, end up here and put in new graphic AI to turn around LDA #$0002 STA $0F94 ;Graphic AI delay = 1 frame STZ $0F90 ;Unknown BRANCH_BETA RTS } B594: U Swoop End { STZ $12 ;Angular speed LDA #$8000 STA $14 ;Target angle of motion LDA #$01C0 STA $16 ;Target U Swoop speed (sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) JSR $D800 ;Update Ridley's U Swoop speed and U Swoop angle, and calculate current X and Y speed LDA $7E7800 ;Main AI script timer BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA DEC A STA $7E7800 RTS BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $BCF1 ;CLC if spin jump, grappling, or spin back from hurt LDY #$B321 ;Choose a new AI script BCC BRANCH_BETA LDY #$BAB7 ;Powerbomb dodge...? BRANCH_BETA STY $0FA8 ;New main AI script RTS } B5C4: Consider Tailbouncing { LDA #$000B STA $7E201E ;Movement threshold LDA #$0180 STA $7E2012 ;Tail extension rate LDA #$B5E5 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$001F CLC ADC #$0020 ;20 - 3F STA $0FB2 ;Variable use timer B5E5: Considering tailbouncing LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction. 0 = left, 1 = forward, 2 = right ASL A TAY LDA $B60D, Y ;00C0, 0080, or 0040 STA $12 JSR $B641 ;Fly towards $12 (X position) / Samus's Y position. If Samus is not spin jumping, SEC before RTS. Else CLC and randomly fireball if allowed. { LDA $0AFA ;Samus's Y position CMP #$0160 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0160 BRANCH_ALPHA ;Maximum cap is 160 STA $14 LDX #$0000 JSR $B42E ;Y = 4, 8, A, or C, depending on general speed byte { LDA $7E7824 ;General speed byte ASL A TAY LDA $B439, Y ;0004, 0008, 000A, 000C TAY RTS } JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index LDA #$0001 STA $7E2004 ;Tail fling trigger LDA $0A1F ;Samus's movement type AND #$00FF CMP #$0003 ;Spin jump BNE BRANCH_BETA LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$00FF CMP #$0080 BCC BRANCH_GAMMA ;50% chance of not fireballing LDA $7E781E ;Current sound playing? BNE BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction DEC A BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if facing forward LDA #$E73A ;Fireballing AI JSR $D467 ;STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 BRANCH_GAMMA CLC RTS BRANCH_BETA SEC RTS } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if Samus is spinjumping JMP $B68B ... B68B: LDA #$00F0 STA $7E2012 ;Tail extension rate LDA #$0010 STA $7E201E ;Tail movement threshold LDA #$0001 STA $7E2000 ;Tail control index LDA #$B6A7 STA $0FA8 ;Next AI script RTS BRANCH_ALPHA DEC $0FB2 ;Timer BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA #$B613 STA $0FA8 ;Next AI script LDA #$0080 STA $0FB2 ;Timer JMP $D955 ;Turn around if facing away from the center of the room (facing a wall) BRANCH_BETA RTS } B613: Hover since Samus is spinjumping { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $B63B, Y ;0040, 0080, or 00C0 STA $12 JSR $B641 ;Fly towards $12 (X position) / Samus's Y position. If Samus is not spin jumping, SEC before RTS. Else CLC and randomly fireball if allowed. BCC BRANCH_ALPHA JMP $B68B { LDA #$00F0 STA $7E2012 ;Tail extension speed LDA #$0010 STA $7E201E ;Tail movement threshold LDA #$0001 STA $7E2000 ;Tail control index LDA #$B6A7 STA $0FA8 ;Set next main AI script } BRANCH_ALPHA DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA #$B5E5 ;Considering tail bouncing STA $0FA8 ;Use as next AI script LDA #$0080 STA $0FB2 JMP $D955 ;Turn around if facing away from the center of the room (facing a wall) BRANCH_BETA RTS } B6A7: Fly to start Tail bouncing { LDA $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position CMP #$0120 BMI BRANCH_$B6CE LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction ASL A TAY LDA $B6C8, Y ;00B0, 0080, 0060 STA $12 ;Target X LDA #$0120 STA $14 ;Target Y LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 JMP $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index ... B6CE: JSR $D955 ;Turn around if facing away from the center of the room (facing a wall) LDA #$B6DD STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script B6DD: Start Tail bouncing LDA #$0020 STA $0FB2 ;Timer LDA $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 LDA #$0120 ;Target Y position STA $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $CB33 ; $134B33 IN ROM { LDA #$0008 STA $7E2014 ;Rotational speed of tail parts JSR $CB72 ; { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$4000 ;Setup left STA $7E201C ;Optional counterclockwise target LDA #$FFFF STA $7E201A ;Optional clockwise target BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$4000 ;Setup right STA $7E201A ;Optional clockwise target LDA #$FFFF STA $7E201C ;Optional counterclockwise target BRANCH_BETA JSR $CBC7 ; $134BC7 IN ROM { LDA #$CD24 STA $12 BRA $CBDC CBDC: PHB PEA #$7E7E PLB PLB PEA #$CBE7 ;Points to just before the LDA #$0007 JMP ($0012) ;Effectively JSR ($0012) { } LDA #$0007 LDX #$0000 BRANCH_BETA PHA JSR $D09F ;Run once for each tail segment { LDA $2020, X ;Check if this segment is rotating? BMI BRANCH_$D0C5 LDA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part JMP $D16D D0AA: STZ $2020, X ;Not rotating STZ $2022, X ;Clear counter LDA $2024, X EOR #$8000 ;Change direction STA $2024, X RTS D0BA: LDA $2022, X ;'Counter' for movement? CLC ADC $2014 ;Angular speed? STA $2022, X RTS D0C5: LDA $2022, X CMP $201E ;Threshhold for rotation? BCC BRANCH_$D0BA ;Branch if threshold hasn't been reached? CMP #$FFFF BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if threshold has already been reached earlier? LDA #$FFFF STA $2022, X ;At limit now? LDA #$8000 STA $2034, X ;Tell next part to start rotating LDA $2024, X ;Which way to rotate: 8000 = negative speed = clockwise, 0000 = positive speed = counterclockwise STA $2038, X ;Copy to next part's direction BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $2024, X ;Angular direction BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA $201C ;Optional counterclockwise target for angle BMI BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if unused LDA #$0C00 STA $2028, X ;Target extension distance LDA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part CLC ADC $2014 ;Add speed CMP $201C ;Compare to optional maximum BMI BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if below optional maximum TXA BEQ BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $200C, X BNE BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_EPSILON ;Goes here if previous tail part isn't moving (or if first part) LDA $201C ;Load optional counterclockwise target STA $202A, X ;Set angle of tail part JMP $D0AA ;Stop rotation and change direction BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part CLC ADC $2014 ;Add speed CMP $2018 ;Check with maximum BMI BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if below maximum BRANCH_ZETA LDA #$8000 STA $2024, X ;Set direction to clockwise LDA $2018 ;Load cap BRA BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_BETA LDA $201A BMI BRANCH_IOTA LDA #$0C00 STA $2028, X ;Target extension distance LDA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part SEC SBC $2014 DEC A CMP $201A BPL BRANCH_KAPPA TXA BEQ BRANCH_LAMBDA LDA $200C, X BNE BRANCH_MU BRANCH_LAMBDA LDA $201A STA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part JMP $D0AA BRANCH_IOTA LDA $202A, X ;Angle of tail part SEC SBC $2014 DEC A CMP $2016 BPL BRANCH_KAPPA BRANCH_MU LDA #$0000 STA $2024, X LDA $2016 ;Minimum allowed angle BRA BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_KAPPA INC A BRANCH_DELTA STA $202A, X ;Set angle of this tail part D16D: AND #$00FF STA $12 ;Angle TXA BEQ BRANCH_THETA LDA $12 CLC ADC $2016, X ;Additional angle between previous tail part and this one AND #$00FF STA $12 BRANCH_THETA LDA $2026, X ;Distance from previous tail part to this one, in 1/100th of a pixel XBA AND #$00FF JSL $A9C460 ;A = (sin($12) * A) / 256. X is preserved STA $2030, X ;X distance from previous tail part (Ridley if Tail 1) to this tail part LDA $2026, X ;Distance from 1 tail part to next XBA AND #$00FF JSL $A9C465 ;A = (cos($12) * A) / 256. X is preserved STA $2032, X ;Y distance from previous tail part (Ridley if Tail 1) to this tail part RTS } TXA CLC ADC #$0014 TAX PLA DEC A BNE BRANCH_BETA PLB RTS } LDA $7E2020 ORA $7E2034 ORA $7E2048 ORA $7E205C ORA $7E2070 ORA $7E2084 ORA $7E2098 BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if no tail parts are rotating RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$0004 STA $7E2000 ;Set tail control index RTS } LDA #$0003 STA $7E2000 ;Tail control index RTS } JSR $B90F ;Set speeds for tailbouncing { LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$0003 ASL A TAY LDA $B965, Y ;B975, B981, B98D, B999. Options for absolute X speed from tail bounces STA $12 LDA $B96D, Y ;B9A5, B9B1, B9BD, B9C9. Options for Y speed from tail bounces STA $14 LDA $7E7824 ;General speed byte (max is 3) CLC ADC #$0002 ;*cough*incinc*cough* ASL A TAY LDA $B94D, Y ;20, 30, 40, 50 STA $7E200E LDA $B959, Y ;40, 80, 400, 500 STA $7E200C ;For below: Each pair of parenthesis are the 4 speed choices for a single one of the above randomly chosen pointers. LDA ($14), Y ;(FCE0, FC20, FA80, F980), (FC80, FBC0, FA60, F960), (FC60, FB80, FA40, F940), (FC40, FB60, FA20, F920) STA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed LDA ($12), Y ;(A0, A8, B0, B8), (C0, C8, D0, D8), (E0, E8, F0, F8), (100, 108, 110, 118) LDX $0FAA ;Ridley's X speed BPL BRANCH_ALPHA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ALPHA ;Keep sign from old X speed, magnitude from lookup STA $0FAA RTS } LDA #$B70E STA $0FA8 ;Next AI script LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$003F ADC #$0080 STA $0FB2 ;AI script timer. In this specific case, the timer is decremented every frame Ridley is moving up from tailbouncing. BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } B70E: Tailbouncing main (moving down) { JSR $B859 ;Attempt to grab Samus { JSR $BCF1 ;Check for spinjumping or spinback { LDA $0A1F AND #$00FF ;Samus's movement type PHX TAX BIT $BD03, X ;0's are: Spin jump, grappling, spinback, grabbed by draygon. BMI BRANCH_ALPHA PLX CLC ;CLC if spinjumping or spinback RTS BRANCH_ALPHA PLX SEC ;else SEC RTS } BCS BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDX #$0004 LDY #$0004 STX $16 STY $18 ;Size of target is 8x8 pixels LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $B9D5, Y ;000C, 0000, FFF4 CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 ;Target grab X position LDA $7E783A ;Unknown, not used aside for this TAY LDA $B9DB, Y ;0023, 002E, 0038 CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position STA $14 ;Target grab Y position JMP $DF29 ;Efficient collision detection for Samus and $12/$14 (size of $12/$14 is $16/$18). SEC if collision } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if failed to grab Samus JSR $B84D ;Store 1 to 7E:2000 and 7E:2014 JMP $B889 ; { LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed BMI BRANCH_ALPHA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ALPHA ;Negative value CMP #$FE00 BMI BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if moving less than 2 pixels per frame LDA #$FE00 BRANCH_BETA STA $0FAC ;Set Ridley to moving upwards, and at most 2 pixels per frame JSR $B84D ;Store 1 to 7E:2000 and 7E:2014 LDA #$BB8F STA $0FA8 ;Set next main AI script JMP $BB8F ;'Samus grabbed' AI script, I'm assuming } BRANCH_GAMMA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed CLC ADC $7E200C ;40, 50, 400, or 500, depending on Ridley's speed. From previous AI script. CMP #$0600 ;6 pixels per frame BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0600 ;Cap at 6 pixels per frame BRANCH_BETA STA $0FAC ;Store as Ridley's speed, moving down JSR $B7E7 ; { LDA $7E20A4 ;Tail tip X position TAX LDA $7E20A6 ;Tail tip Y position CLC ADC #$0010 TAY JSL $A6D4F9 ;Check for collisions with blocks BCS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E2090 ;Tail part 6 X position TAX LDA $7E2092 ;Tail part 6 Y position CLC ADC #$0012 TAY JSL $A6D4F9 BCS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E207C ;Tail part 5 X position TAX LDA $7E207E ;Tail part 5 Y position CLC ADC #$0012 TAY JSL $A6D4F9 BCS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E2068 ;Tail part 4 X position TAX LDA $7E206A ;Tail part 4 Y position CLC ADC #$0012 TAY JSL $A6D4F9 BCS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E2054 ;Tail part 3 X position TAX LDA $7E2056 ;Tail part 3 Y position CLC ADC #$0012 TAY JSL $A6D4F9 BCS BRANCH_ALPHA NOP BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } BCC BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if no collisions with ground LDA $7E20A4 ;Tail tip X position STA $12 LDA $7E20A6 ;Tail tip Y position CLC ADC #$000C STA $14 LDA #$0009 LDY #$E509 JSL $868097 ;Create sprite: smoke where tail tip hit the ground LDA #$0076 JSL $8090CB ;Play sound LDA #$000D STA $183E ;Room shake type LDA #$0004 STA $1840 ;Room shake duration JSR $B8A9 ; { LDA $0FAA ;Ridley X speed BNE BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if moving LDA #$00C0 BIT $0F79 ;Low byte of Ridley's X position BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if Ridley is on the left half of the room EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_BETA ;Set Ridley to moving towards the center STA $0FAA ;Set Ridley's speed to 0.C pixels per frame BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0F7A ;Ridley's X position SEC SBC $0AF6 ;Samus's X position EOR $0FAA ;Ridley's X speed BMI BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if Ridley is moving towards Samus LDA $0F7A ;Ridley's X position CMP $7E8004 ;Leftmost allowed X position BMI BRANCH_DELTA CMP $7E8006 ;Rightmost allowed X position BPL BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $05E5 ;Random number CMP #$0555 ;... 1 / 30 chance? BCC BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_THETA LDA $0FAA EOR #$FFFF INC A STA $0FAA ;Reverse Ridley's X speed BRANCH_ZETA RTS ;Summary: If Ridley is within the room boundaries and moving away from Samus, 2F/30 times reverse directions BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0F7A ;Ridley's X position CMP $7E8004 ;Leftmost allowed X position BMI BRANCH_DELTA CMP $7E8006 ;Rightmost allowed X position BPL BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $05E5 CMP #$0555 ;1/30 chance BCC BRANCH_THETA ;Switch directions (If Ridley is within the room boundaries and moving towards Samus, 1/30 times reverse directions RTS BRANCH_DELTA LDA $0FAA ;Ridley is at the left room boundary. Reverse Ridley's X speed if moving left BMI BRANCH_THETA RTS BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $0FAA ;Ridley is at the right room boundary. Reverse Ridley's X speed if moving right BPL BRANCH_THETA RTS } JSR $B90F ;Set speeds for tailbouncing (depends on random and speed) LDX #$D37C LDY #$2026 ;Set standard distances between tail parts JSR $D3B4 ;Copy 7 entries from (X) to 7E:(Y), 7E:(Y+14), 7E:(Y+28), 7E:(Y+3C), etc. LDA #$0C00 STA $7E2028 STA $7E203C STA $7E2050 STA $7E2064 STA $7E2078 STA $7E208C STA $7E20A0 ;Set target extension distance to C pixels for all tail parts LDA #$0004 STA $7E2000 ;Set tail control index LDA $7E800C ;Not used before... a timer? INC A CMP #$0002 BMI BRANCH_DELTA LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing DEC A BEQ BRANCH_EPSILON ;Branch if facing forward LDA #$E73A ;Fireballing AI JSR $D467 ;STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0000 BRANCH_DELTA STA $7E800C LDA #$B7B9 STA $0FA8 ;Store next AI script RTS } B7B9: Tailbouncing, Hit Ground (moving up) { JSR $BD20 ;Check if Y is below #$0160 BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if above DEC $0FB2 ;AI script timer/counter (80 to BF) BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if it was at 0 LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed CLC ADC $7E200E ;20, 30, 40, or 50, depending on general speed byte. From tailbounce speed setup STA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed BMI BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if still moving up LDA #$0000 STA $0FAC ;Stop Y movement LDA #$B70E STA $0FA8 ;Go back to main tailbouncing, moving down BRANCH_BETA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $B84D ;Store 1 to 7E:2000 and 7E:2014 LDA #$B321 STA $0FA8 ;Decide what to do next RTS } BAB7: Check to do Deathswoop/Powerbomb dodge/Move, or attempt to ram/grab Samus Deathswoop/Powerbomb dodge/Move if: Samus is spinjumping, Ridley has collided with a wall, Samus is behind or above Ridley { JSR $BCF1 ;Check for spinjumping or spinback (CLC if so) BCC BRANCH_$BA85 { LDA $7E800A ;Death swoop counter CMP #$000A ;10 swoops BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if not time to die yet JSL $A6DFB7 ;Even though it's JSL, it's Ridley-specific. { LDA $0F8C ;Health BNE BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if not 0 (doesn't happen) LDA $7E7802 ;AI status BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if already set to dead LDA #$FFFF STA $7E7802 ;Set to dead LDA $0F86 ORA #$0400 STA $0F86 ;Disable interaction with Samus LDA #$C538 STA $0FA8 ;Set next AI script (Ridley specific) BRANCH_ALPHA RTL } LDA #$C53E STA $0FA8 ;Set next AI script JMP $C53E ;and run it. When that RTSes, it goes to Ridley's main AI loop. BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0CEE ;Powerbomb timer BEQ BRANCH_BETA LDA #$BD4E STA $0FA8 ;Set next AI script to dodge powerbombs JMP $BD4E ;and run it. When that RTSes, it goes to Ridley's main AI loop. BRANCH_BETA LDA #$B3EC STA $0FA8 ;Set the next AI script LDA #$0001 STA $7E2004 ;Trigger for flinging Ridley's tail? RTS ;Returns to Ridley's main AI loop. } LDA $7E783E ;Check collisions with walls (0 = none) BNE BRANCH_$BA85 ;Deathswoop / Powerbomb / Else if collided with walls LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $BB48, Y ;0000, 0000, 8000 STA $12 LDA $0F7A ;Ridley's X position SEC SBC $0AF6 ;Samus's X position STA $14 EOR $12 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if Ridley is facing Samus LDA $14 BPL BRANCH_BETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_BETA ;Absolute distance between Samus and Ridley CMP #$0020 ;2 blocks BPL BRANCH_$BA85 ;Deathswoop / Powerbomb / Else if farther than 2 blocks away BRANCH_ALPHA ;Ridley is facing Samus, or is less than 2 blocks away LDA $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position CLC ADC #$0023 SEC SBC $0AFA ;Samus's Y position BPL BRANCH_$BA85 ;Deathswoop / Powerbomb / Else if Ridley is below Samus ;Ridley attempts to ram Samus with the following code LDX #$FFF0 LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA LDX #$0010 ;X = 10 if facing right BRANCH_GAMMA TXA CLC ADC $0AF6 ;Samus's X position STA $12 LDA $0AFA ;Samus's Y position CLC ADC #$FFFC STA $14 LDX #$0000 LDA $7E7824 ;General speed byte ASL A TAY LDA $BB4E, Y ;0001, 0003, 0007, 000A TAY JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $B9D5, Y ;000C, 0000, FFF4 CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 LDA #$0023 CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position STA $14 LDA #$0008 STA $16 LDA #$000C STA $18 JSR $DF29 ;Efficient collision detection for Samus and $12/$14 (size of $12/$14 is $16/$18). SEC if collision BCS BRANCH_$BB56 RTS ... BB56: LDA $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed EOR #$FFFF INC A STA $0FAC ;Switch direction LDA $0F8C ;Health BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0CEE ;Power bomb timer LDA $0CEE ;We heard you the first time BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if no power bomb is active JSR $BC68 ;Grab Samus { JSR $BA54 ;Set displacement for Ridley grabbing Samus { LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $B9D5, Y ;000C, 0000, FFF4 ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position SEC SBC $0AF6 ;Samus's X position EOR #$FFFF INC A STA $7E7828 ;X displacement for Ridley grabbing Samus LDA $7E783A ;Unknown, only used for this TAY LDA $B9DB, Y ;0023, 002E, 0038 CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position SEC SBC $0AFA ;Samus's Y position EOR #$FFFF INC A STA $7E782A ;Y displacement for Ridley grabbing Samus RTS } LDA $0F86 ORA #$0400 STA $0F86 ;Make Ridley intangible to Samus LDA #$0001 STA $7E7836 ;Set Ridley holding Samus flag DEC A JSL $90F084 ;Put #$E713 into $0A42(Handle only Samus's projectiles and sound termination, the rest of Samus becomes static), #$E8DC into $0A44(Zeroes Samus' contact damage, runs minimap, the rest of Samus becomes static) SEC JMP $DA8B ;Another 7E00D0 routine. I don't know what this does. ... DA8B: LDX #$DAD0 BCC BRANCH_ALPHA LDX #$DAD4 BRANCH_ALPHA LDY $0330 LDA #$B000 STA $00D3, Y STA $00DA, Y LDA $0000, X STA $00D2, Y LDA $0002, X STA $00D9, Y LDA #$7AC0 STA $00D5, Y LDA #$7BC0 STA $00DC, Y LDA #$0080 STA $00D0, Y STA $00D7, Y TYA CLC ADC #$000E TAY STY $0330 LDA #$0000 STA $00D0, Y RTS } LDA #$BD4E STA $0FA8 ;Next AI script JMP $BD4E ;and run it BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E7836 ;Check if Ridley is holding Samus BNE BRANCH_GAMMA JSR $BC68 ;If not, grab Samus now BRANCH_GAMMA JSL $A6DFB7 ;Set 7802 to dead, disable Samus/Ridley interaction, next AI script is C538 LDA #$C538 STA $0FA8 ;Redundant JMP $C538 ;Run next AI script BRANCH_BETA BB8F: ;Ridley in position to grab Samus, no powerbombs LDA $7E7820 ;Check direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $BBEB, Y ;0040, 0000, 00D0 STA $7E782E ;Target X when holding Samus LDA $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position CLC ADC #$FFC0 ;Up 4 blocks CMP #$0100 BPL BRANCH_DELTA LDA #$0100 ;Minimum value is 1 screen BRANCH_DELTA STA $7E7830 ;Target Y when holding Samus LDA $7E7836 ;Check if Ridley is grabbing Samus BNE BRANCH_EPSILON JSR $BC68 ;If not, grab Samus now BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$BBC4 STA $0FA8 BBC4: Move towards target position while holding Samus LDA #$0020 STA $0FB2 ;Custom use timer LDA $7E782E ;0040, 0000, or 00D0 STA $12 LDA $7E7830 ;Ridley's old Y position + 4 blocks, or #$0100, whichever is larger. STA $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index DEC $0FB2 ;Custom use timer BPL BRANCH_ZETA LDA #$BBF1 STA $0FA8 ;Next AI script LDA #$0020 STA $0FB2 ;Set timer to 20 BRANCH_ZETA RTS } BBF1: Drop Samus { DEC $0FB2 ;Variable use timer. Starts as 20 in this case BMI BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E782E ;Target X position STA $12 LDA #$0100 STA $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 JMP $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0008 STA $7E201E ;Tail movement threshold LDA #$00F0 STA $7E2012 ;Tail extension rate JSR $BC84 ;Let go of Samus { LDA #$0001 STA $7E2004 ;Tail fling trigger STA $7E2000 ;Tail control index LDA $7E7802 ;Main AI status (1 = active, FFFF = dead) BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if dead JSR $BCF1 ;Check for spinjumping or spinback (CLC if so) LDA #$0006 BVS BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if currently morphed LDA #$000A BRANCH_BETA STA $7E783C ;Disable Ridley/Samus interaction for this many frames BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0000 STA $7E7836 ;Ridley is no longer holding Samus INC A JSL $90F084 ;Put #$E695 into $0A42, #$E725 into $0A44. Restores normal Samus controls/processing. CLC JMP $DA8B ;Another 7E00D0 routine. I don't know what this does. } LDA #$BC2E STA $0FA8 ;Set next main AI script LDA #$0040 STA $0FB2 ;Set main AI script timer RTS } BC2E: Wait after dropping Samus { DEC $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer BMI BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAY LDA $BC62, Y ;00B0, 0000, 0050 STA $12 LDA #$00E0 STA $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 JSR $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0010 STA $7E201E ;Tail movement threshold LDA #$00F0 STA $7E2012 ;Tail extension rate LDA #$B321 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script RTS } BD4E: Dodge a powerbomb { LDA $0CEE ;Powerbomb timer BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0002 STA $7E7802 ;Main battle AI is momentarily paused? LDY #$0050 LDA $0CE2 ;X position of powerbomb explosion CMP #$0080 BPL BRANCH_BETA LDY #$00C0 BRANCH_BETA STY $12 LDY #$00C0 LDA $0CE4 ;Y position of powerbomb explosion CMP #$0100 BPL BRANCH_GAMMA LDY #$0180 BRANCH_GAMMA STY $14 LDX #$0000 JSR $B42E ;Y = 4, 8, A, or C, depending on general speed byte JMP $D523 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). No deceleration boost ($1A), Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0001 STA $7E7802 ;Resume main battle AI LDY #$B321 LDA $7E7836 ;Holding Samus flag BEQ BRANCH_DELTA LDY #$BB8F ;Go to normal holding Samus AI BRANCH_DELTA STY $0FA8 ;Next main AI script RTS } C538: Move to death spot { JSR $C601 ;Move to death spot, CLC when near it { LDX #$0080 STX $12 LDY #$0148 STY $14 LDX #$0000 LDY #$0000 LDA #$0010 JSR $D526 ;Accelerates Ridley towards the desired X/Y ($12/$14). A is deceleration boost, Y is index value to find acceleration divisor ($18), X is enemy's index LDA #$0004 STA $16 STA $18 JSL $A9EF06 ;Check if Ridley is near $12/$14. CLC if so RTS } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA C53E: Die LDA #$E6C8 JSR $D467 ;STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 LDA #$C551 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0020 STA $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer RTS } C551: Move to death spot, wait for timer, then move lava { JSR $C601 ;Move to death spot, CLC when near it DEC $0FB2 ;Timer BPL BRANCH_$C550 ;points to an RTS STZ $0FAA STZ $0FAC ;Stop Ridley's speed LDA #$0210 STA $197A ;New lava height LDA #$0040 STA $197C ;Lava speed LDA #$0001 STA $1980 ;Delay before lava begins moving LDA #$0000 STA $7E800E ;Prep for later STA $7E8010 ;Prep for later LDA #$C588 STA $0FA8 LDA #$00A0 STA $0FB2 ;Timer C588: Spawn explosions JSR $C623 ; { LDA $7E800E ;Timer between explosions DEC A BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branches immediately STA $7E800E RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0004 STA $7E800E LDA $7E8010 ;Explosion index INC A CMP #$000A BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0000 BRANCH_BETA STA $7E8010 ASL A ASL A TAY LDA $C66E, Y ;FFE8, FFEC, 0010, 001E, 000E, FFFE, FFFE, FFE1, FFFC, 0013 CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 LDA $C670, Y ;FFE8, 0014, FFE2, FFFD, FFF3, 0012, FFE0, 0008, FFF6, 0013 CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position STA $14 LDA #$0003 LDY #$E509 JSL $868097 ;Draw an explosion LDA #$0024 JSL $8090B7 ;Play an explosion sound RTS } DEC $0FB2 BPL BRANCH_$C550 ;RTS LDA $7E7836 ;Check if Ridley is holding Samus BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $BC84 ;Let go of Samus BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$C5A8 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script STZ $0FAA STZ $0FAC ;Stop movement JMP $C932 ;Spawns the individual parts of Ridley to fly off ... C932: LDX #$C9E7 JSL $A09275 ;Dunno. Not doing right now LDX #$C9D7 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C9C7 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C9B7 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C9A7 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C997 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C987 JSL $A09275 LDX #$C9F7 JSL $A09275 LDX #$CA07 JSL $A09275 LDX #$CA27 JSL $A09275 LDX #$CA17 JSL $A09275 LDX #$CA37 JSL $A09275 RTS } C5A8: Disable Ridley { JSR $C623 ;Keep playing explosions LDA #$0000 STA $7E7804 ;Ridley is now inactive LDA $0F86 ORA #$0100 STA $0F86 ;Make Ridley invisible LDA #$C5C8 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0020 STA $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer RTS } C5C8: Wait 20 frames { DEC $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer BPL BRANCH_$C550 ;an RTS from a looong time ago LDA #$C5DA STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script LDA #$0100 STA $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer RTS } C5DA: Wait another 100 frames, then drop items/change music/set boss bit { DEC $0FB2 ;Main AI script timer BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0001 JSL $8081A6 ;Set boss bits in A for current area (7E:D828,X) JSL $A0B9A5 ;Drop items. Not gonna bother documenting LDA #$0003 JSL $808FC1 ;Change to elevator music LDA $0F86 ORA #$0200 STA $0F86 ;Delete Ridley LDA #$C600 STA $0FA8 ;Next main AI script BRANCH_ALPHA C600: RTS } A6:A0F5 Ridley_Initialization: { LDX $079F ;Region number LDA $7ED828, X ;Boss bit table AND #$0001 ;First boss bit of current Region (Ridley, in this case) BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if still alive LDA $0F86 ;Property bits of Ridley (assumed to be first enemy) AND #$FFFF ;Useless ORA #$0700 ;Set Delete enemy, Delete enemy, and Disable enemy/Samus interaction STA $0F86 ;Store in property bits RTL BRANCH_ALPHA ;Setup for Ridley when alive PHB PEA #$7E7E PLB PLB ;Set bank to 7E (ram) LDA #$0000 LDX #$0FFE BRANCH_BETA STA $2000, X ;Forget the LDA earlier, STZ would make more sense DEX DEX BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Clears all RAM between 7E:2000 and 7E:2FFF PLB JSL $90A7E2 ; Clear automap and set entire room to explored (horribly inefficient yet hardcoded stuff) STZ $0FB4 ; Speed in SMILE STZ $0FB6 ; Speed 2 in SMILE LDA #$E538 ; Starting graphicAI. Necessary to avoid crashing, I guess JSR $D467 ; STA to GraphicAI instruction (0F92), delay (0F94) = 1, STZ $0F90 LDA #$0E00 STA $0F96 ; Pallete STA $7E7818 ; Wing pallete, I guess LDA $0F88 ; Property bits 2 ORA #$0004 ; Enable multiple hitboxes STA $0F88 LDA #$0000 STA $7E7802 ;Ridley's main battle AI is not active yet STA $7E781A ;Ridley's hit counter for Ceres? STZ $183E ; Screen shaking type STZ $1840 ; Screen shaking duration JSR $D2D6 ; Initializes a ton of variables from 7E:2012 to 7E:20A7. I'm *guessing* they're for his tail. ; Uses JSR $D3B4: Copy 7 entries from (X) to 7E:(Y), 7E:(Y+14), 7E:(Y+28), 7E:(Y+3C), etc. JSR $D9FD ; Store DA71 to 7E:780A, 1 to 7E:780C LDA $079F ; Region CMP #$0002 ; Check if Norfair BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA JMP $A1EE ; Probably Ceres initialization BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0F86 ; Property bits ORA #$1400 ; Enable Plasma block and Disable enemy/Samus interaction STA $0F86 LDA #$0060 STA $0F7A ; X position LDA #$018A STA $0F7E ; Y position LDA #$B2F3 LDA #$A35B ; haha STA $0FA8 ; Current main AI script STZ $0FAA ; Custom, X speed in 1/100ths of a pixel STZ $0FAC ; Custom, Y speed in 1/100ths of a pixel LDA #$0005 STA $0F9A ; Visibility Layer LDA #$0000 STA $7E7802 ; Already been set to 0. Redundant. Ridley's main battle AI is not active yet. INC A STA $7E7804 ;Activate Ridley? LDA #$0040 STA $7E8000 ;Upmost Y position allowed LDA #$01A0 STA $7E8002 ;Downmost Y position allowed LDA #$0040 STA $7E8004 ;Leftmost X position allowed LDA #$00E0 STA $7E8006 ;Rightmost X position allowed LDA #$0002 STA $7E7820 ;Facing direction LDA #$0078 STA $7E7838 ;Tail tip damage LDY #$E1CF LDX #$0140 LDA #$0020 JSL $A9D2F6 ;Copy 2*A bytes from (Y) to 7E:C200,X LDX #$00E2 LDX #$0000 ;again, haha LDY #$000F LDA #$0000 BRANCH_DELTA STA $7EC2E2, X ;Unknown STA $7EC3E2, X ;Unknown INX INX DEY BNE BRANCH_DELTA RTL $1321EE ALTERNATE ENTRY POINT ; Ceres Ridley Initialization LDA $0F86 ORA #$1400 ;Enable Plasma block and Disable enemy/Samus interaction STA $0F86 LDA #$00BA STA $0F7A ;X position LDA #$00A9 STA $0F7E ;Y position LDA #$0000 STA $093F ;Unknown STA $7E7820 ;Facing direction STA $7E7804 ;Set Ridley as inactive? INC A STA $7E2002 ;Unknown LDA #$000F STA $7E7838 ;Tail tip damage LDA #$A35B STA $0FA8 ;Current main AI script STZ $0FAA ;X speed STZ $0FAC ;Y speed LDA #$FFE0 STA $7E8000 ;Upmost Y position allowed LDA #$00B0 STA $7E8002 ;Downmost Y position allowed LDA #$0028 STA $7E8004 ;Leftmost X position allowed LDA #$00E0 STA $7E8006 ;Rightmost X position allowed LDY #$E16F LDX #$0140 LDA #$0020 JSL $A9D2F6 ;Copy 2*A bytes from (Y) to 7E:C200,X LDX #$01E2 LDY #$000F LDA #$0000 BRANCH_EPSILON STA $7EC200, X ;Clear color pallete data? INX INX DEY BNE BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$BF31 STA $7E7806 ;Used for hatchling Metroid's graphic draw. LDA #$0001 STA $7E7808 ;Used for hatchling Metroid's graphic draw. LDA #$BE9C STA $7E8800 ;Ceres Ridley hurt AI script? LDA #$0005 STA $7E780E ;Wing flap frame LDA #$0000 JSL $808FC1 ;Change music control to this RTL $132288 ALTERNATE ENTRY POINT ;Ceres Ridley's Main AI LDA #$7FFF STA $0F8C ;Ridley's health PEA #$A293 ;Right before the LDA $093F JMP ($0FA8) ;Basically JSR ($0FA8) instead, run main AI script LDA $093F ;Unknown, initialized to 0 BNE BRANCH_ZETA LDA $7E7804 ;Check if Ridley is active? BEQ BRANCH_THETA JSR $D4DA ;Make wings/tail flash when hit JSR $D86B ;Handles movement and main body wall collisions JSR $D97D ;Handle wing flapping JSR $A2BD ;1/100 chance of setting 7E:201E to 7-16 (all hex numbers) { LDA $05E5 ;Random number CMP #$FF00 BCC BRANCH_MU LDA $05E5 AND #$000F ADC #$0007 STA $7E201E ;Tail movement threshold BRANCH_MU RTS } JSR $CAF5 ;Handles something and tail movement JSR $D4B5 ;Determine and set Ridley's color pallete { LDA $7E7802 ;Check if Ridley's main battle AI is active BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E781A ;Ridley's hit counter for Ceres? CMP #$0032 ;50 in decimal BCC BRANCH_ALPHA LDY #$0000 CMP #$0046 ;70 in decimal BCC BRANCH_BETA LDY #$0001 CMP #$005A ;90 in decimal LDY #$0002 BRANCH_BETA STY $12 JMP $D495 ;Set Ridley's color pallete ... $A6D495: LDA $7EC400 ;Unknown BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $12 ASL A ASL A ASL A SEC SBC $12 ASL A ASL A ;Multiplied by 28 in decimal CLC ADC #$E46A TAY LDX #$01E2 LDA #$000E JSL $A9D2E4 ;Copy 2*A bytes from (Y) to 7E:C000,X BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } JSR $DA0C ;No idea. Doesn't have any noticable effect, adds two entries to 7E00D0,X table JSR $DB2A ;Draw tail JSR $DAD8 ;Drawing routine for Ridley's wings BRA BRANCH_THETA BRANCH_ZETA RTL $1322D3 ALTERNATE ENTRY POINT ;This is Ceres Ridley's hurt AI ;I think only power bombs can manage to get here. JSR $D4DA ;Make wings/tail flash when hit JSR $DB2A ;Draw tail JSR $DAD8 ;Drawing routine for Ridley's wings BRANCH_THETA JSR $BE93 ;basically JSR ($7E8800) { LDA $7E8800 STA $12 JMP ($0012) } LDA $7E7804 ;Check if Ridley is active? BEQ BRANCH_IOTA LDA #$A600 STA $178D LDA #$A2F2 STA $178C ;Long pointer: A6A2F2 RTL BRANCH_IOTA LDA $093F ;Unknown, initialized to 0 on for Ceres BNE BRANCH_KAPPA JSR $BF1A ;Draw the metroid hatchling! { LDA #$7806 JSR $DBCB ;Calculate graphic to use. JSR to with an address (in ram) of a pointer followed by a counter, data at pointer (to rom) should be a counter (frame duration) followed by a graphic pointer, OR a pointer to code. { STA $00 INC A INC A STA $03 SEP #$20 LDA #$7E STA $02 STA $05 ;00 = 7E7806 (initialized as BF31), 03 = 7E7808 (initialized as 1) REP #$20 LDA [$00] BMI BRANCH_ALPHA PLA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA TAX LDA $0000, X BMI BRANCH_BETA CMP [$03] BNE BRANCH_GAMMA INX INX INX INX LDA $0000, X BPL BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_BETA STA $06 INX INX PEA #$DBEE ;Points to just before the LDA $0000,X just above JMP ($0006) BRANCH_DELTA LDA #$0001 STA [$03] TXA STA [$00] LDY $0002, X RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA [$03] INC A STA [$03] LDY $0002, X RTS } LDA $7E8804 ;Metroid's X position STA $12 LDA $7E8808 ;Metroid's Y position STA $14 STZ $16 JMP $DC13 ;General use draw, $16 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. } BRANCH_KAPPA LDA $0FEA ;Unknown, door's custom ram BEQ BRANCH_LAMBDA LDA $1840 ;Shaking duraton? AND #$0003 TAX LDA $A321, X CLC ADC $0FBA ;Door's X position BRANCH_NU STA $14 LDA $0FBE ;Door's Y position STA $12 LDA #$0400 STA $16 LDY #$A329 JSL $81879F ;Dunno this routine, but it draws the door BRANCH_LAMBDA RTL $1323?? ALTERNATE ENTRY POINT JSR $9C6B ; $131C6B IN ROM TAX ORA $0FAC9C RTS $1324D6 ALTERNATE ENTRY POINT ASL A TAX LDY $A4EB, X BNE BRANCH_ULTIMA SEC RTS BRANCH_ULTIMA LDX #$00E2 LDA #$000E JSL $A9D2E4 ; $14D2E4 IN ROM CLC RTS } ;A6:B227 Ridley_Main_AI: LDA $7E8008 ;Unknown, oddly. It wasn't initialized. SEC SBC #$0004 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0000 BRANCH_ALPHA STA $7E8008 ;A timer or counter, I guess? JSR $BCB4 ;Displayed below. Handles Enemy/Samus interaction bit. { LDA $7E7802 ;Check if main battle AI is running BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;There's a minus option? Dunno when this would branch BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if main battle AI is not running JSR $DE7A ;Displayed below. Checks if Ridley is on screen { LDA $0F7E BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Negative Y position? What, at start of battle? CLC ADC #$0020 SEC SBC $0915 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if 2 blocks above screen CMP #$0120 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;or 2 blocks below screen (note: 1 screen = E blocks) LDA $0F7A BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Negative X position. As impossible as negative Y position CLC ADC #$0020 SEC SBC $0911 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if 2 blocks left of screen - impossible CMP #$0140 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if 2 blocks right of screen - impossible CLC ;Clear if on screen RTS BRANCH_ALPHA SEC ;Set if off screen RTS } BCC BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0F86 ORA #$0400 ;Disable interaction with Samus if off-screen STA $0F86 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0F86 AND #$FBFF ;Enable interaction with Samus if on-screen STA $0F86 BRANCH_BETA LDA $7E783C ;Disable Ridley/Samus interaction for this many frames BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA DEC A STA $7E783C BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E7802 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;This check is useless, it exists earlier already LDA $0F86 AND #$FBFF STA $0F86 ;Enable Enemy/Samus interaction BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } JSR $BD2C ;Power Bomb Check/Reaction { LDA $7E7802 ;Check if Ridley's main battle AI is active BMI BRANCH_ALPHA ;Not sure when this would branch BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if main AI inactive CMP #$0002 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0CEE ;Powerbomb timer BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E7836 ;Ridley is grabbing Samus? BNE BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $B84D ;Store 1 to 7E:2000 and 7E:2014 LDY #$BAB7 STY $0FA8 ;Apparently this is Current Main AI script BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } PEA #$B243 ;Note: This points to just before the LDA. JMP ($0FA8) ;In effect, this is JSR ($0FA8). When it reaches an RTS, it returns to LDA $7E7804 LDA $7E7804 ;Checks if Ridley is active? BEQ BRANCH_BETA JSR $D4DA ;Make wings/tail flash when hit { PHX LDX #$0E00 ;Normal pallete LDA $0F9C ;Hit BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA DEC A BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0E44 ;Flashing counter, I guess INC A AND #$0002 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDX #$0000 ;White (hurt) pallete BRANCH_ALPHA TXA STA $7E7818 ;Wing/Tail pallete PLX RTS } JSR $D86B ;Handles movement and main body wall collisions { LDA #$0000 STA $7E783E ;Wall collision. 0 = none, 1 = left, 2 = right, 4 = top, 8 = bottom. 4 and 8 take priority over 1 and 2 LDX $0E54 LDA $0FAA, X ;Subpixel speed (1 byte) SEP #$20 CLC ADC $0F7D, X ;high byte of subpixel X STA $0F7D, X REP #$20 AND #$FF00 XBA BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ORA #$FF00 BRANCH_ALPHA ADC $0F7A, X ;X position CMP $7E8004 ;Minimum X position BPL BRANCH_BETA JSR $D914 ;Cause room shaking, only happens in Ceres. Has unreachable code for Norfair room shaking { LDA $079F ;Region CMP #$0002 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $0FAA, X ;X Speed BPL BRANCH_BETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_BETA STA $12 LDA $0FAC, X ;Y Speed BPL BRANCH_GAMMA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_GAMMA CMP $12 BCS BRANCH_DELTA LDA $12 BRANCH_DELTA ;Get the absolute greater of the two speeds CMP #$0280 ;and compare to 2 1/2 pixels per frame BCC BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $079F CMP #$0002 BEQ BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0021 ;Ceres room shake value BRA BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0018 ;Norfair room shake value. Never used BRANCH_ZETA STA $183E ;Room shake type LDA #$000C STA $1840 ;Room shake duration BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } LDA $7E8004 STA $0F7A, X ;Cap X position STZ $0FAA, X ;Stop speed LDA #$0001 STA $7E783E ;Mark as hit left wall? BRA BRANCH_GAMMA BRANCH_BETA CMP $7E8006 ;Maximum X position BMI BRANCH_ZETA STZ $0FAA, X ;Stop speed LDA #$0002 STA $7E783E ;Mark as hit right wall? LDA $7E8006 BRANCH_ZETA STA $0F7A, X ;Update (or cap if hit right wall) X position BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0FAC, X ;Y speed SEP #$20 CLC ADC $0F81, X ;High byte of subpixel Y position STA $0F81, X REP #$20 AND #$FF00 XBA BPL BRANCH_DELTA ORA #$FF00 BRANCH_DELTA ADC $0F7E, X ;Y position CMP $7E8000 ;Min Y position BPL BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $7E8000 STA $0F7E, X ;Cap Y position STZ $0FAC, X ;Stop Y speed LDA $7E783E ;Please Nintendo, quit being stupid LDA #$0004 STA $7E783E ;Hit top wall RTS BRANCH_EPSILON CMP $7E8002 ;Max Y position BMI BRANCH_THETA STZ $0FAC, X ;Stop Y speed LDA $7E783E LDA #$0008 STA $7E783E ;Hit bottom wall LDA $7E8002 BRANCH_THETA STA $0F7E, X ;Update (or cap if hit bottom wall) Y position RTS } JSR $D97D ;Handle wing flapping { JSR $D9A8 ;Calculate wing flap speed { LDA $0FAA ;X Speed BPL BRANCH_ALPHA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ALPHA STA $12 LDA $0FAC ;Y Speed BPL BRANCH_BETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_BETA CLC ADC $12 BNE BRANCH_GAMMA STA $7E7810 RTS BRANCH_GAMMA ;Ridley is moving (and not exactly along a diagonal) SEC SBC $12 CMP $12 BPL BRANCH_DELTA LDA $12 BRANCH_DELTA ;Get greater of two speeds ASL A ASL A AND #$0F00 XBA ASL A CMP #$000E BCC BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$000E BRANCH_EPSILON ;At this point, A = 2*max(#$000E, SpeedInPixels*4) TAX LDA $D9ED, X ;0C, 0E, 10, 12, 1C, 20, 28, 30 BIT $0FAC BMI BRANCH_ZETA LSR A BRANCH_ZETA ;If Ridley is moving upwards, double it. STA $7E7810 ;Wing flapping speed? RTS } LDA $7E7812 ;Wing flap counter, I suppose SEC SBC $7E7810 ;Wing flap speed STA $7E7812 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;If counter < 0, advance wing flap frame LDA #$0020 STA $7E7812 LDA $7E780E ;Wing flap frame INC A CMP #$000A BCC BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0000 BRANCH_BETA STA $7E780E ;Update Wing flap frame BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } JSR $CAF5 ;Run Tail AI: Sound, control AI, X/Y positions, tail extension, hurt Samus { JSR $D2AA ;Play swishing sound if tail is moving quickly { LDA $7E2014 ;Tail parts angular speed CMP #$0008 BMI BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E781C ;A simple timer, seems to be specifically for this routine. INC A STA $7E781C CMP #$0010 BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA $7E781E ;Check if a sound is currently playing BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0021 ;Sounds like a spinjump sound JSL $80914D ;Play sound BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0000 STA $7E781C BRANCH_BETA RTS } LDA $7E2000 ;Tail control index ASL A TAX JSR ($CB21, X) ;CB20, CBC0, CB33, CB45, CBC7, CBCE, CB4E, CB60, CBD5 (See 7E:2000 in Ridley's ram) PHB PEA #$7E7E PLB PLB JSR $CEBA ;Update tail positions { LDA $0F7E ;Ridley Y position CLC ADC $2032 ;Ridley to Tail 1 Adjustment CLC ADC #$0010 ;Hardcoded adjustment STA $202E ;Tail 1 Y position CLC ADC $2046 ;Tail 1 to Tail 2 Adjustment STA $2042 ;Tail 2 Y position CLC ADC $205A ;etc STA $2056 CLC ADC $206E STA $206A CLC ADC $2082 STA $207E CLC ADC $2096 STA $2092 CLC ADC $20AA STA $20A6 LDA $7820 ;Facing direction DEC A BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA INC A ASL A TAX LDA $A6CF54, X ADC $2030 ;Ridley to Tail 1 Adjustment, sorta BRANCH_ALPHA ;A depends on 7820: 0 => $2030 + #$20, 1 => #$0, 2 => $2030 + #$FFE0 CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley X position STA $202C ;Tail 1 X position LDA $7820 DEC A BNE BRANCH_BETA LDA $0F7A STA $2040 STA $2054 STA $2068 STA $207C STA $2090 STA $20A4 ;If $7820 = 1, all tail X positions are the same as Ridley's X position BRA BRANCH_GAMMA ;and RTS BRANCH_BETA LDA $202C ;Tail 1 X position CLC ADC $2044 ;Tail 1 to Tail 2 adjustment STA $2040 ;Tail 2 X position CLC ADC $2058 ;etc. STA $2054 CLC ADC $206C STA $2068 CLC ADC $2080 STA $207C CLC ADC $2094 STA $2090 CLC ADC $20A8 STA $20A4 BRANCH_GAMMA RTS } JSR $CF5A ;Tail extending { LDA $203C ;Target extension distance BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA CMP $203A ;Distance from tail 1 to tail 2 BPL BRANCH_BETA LDA #$0000 STA $203C BRANCH_BETA LDA $203A CLC ADC $2012 ;Extension speed (Initialized to F0) CMP #$1800 ;Cap at 18 pixels BMI BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$1800 BRANCH_GAMMA STA $203A BRA BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0800 ;Default distance is 8 pixels CMP $203A BPL BRANCH_DELTA LDA $203A SEC SBC #$0080 ;Pullback speed is 1/2 pixel a frame STA $203A BRANCH_DELTA LDA $2050 ;Same for Tail 2 BEQ BRANCH_EPSILON CMP $204E BPL BRANCH_ZETA LDA #$0000 STA $2050 BRANCH_ZETA LDA $204E CLC ADC $2012 CMP #$1800 BMI BRANCH_THETA LDA #$1800 BRANCH_THETA STA $204E BRA BRANCH_IOTA BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0800 CMP $204E BPL BRANCH_IOTA LDA $204E SEC SBC #$0080 STA $204E BRANCH_IOTA LDA $2064 ;Same for Tail 3 BEQ BRANCH_KAPPA CMP $2062 BPL BRANCH_LAMBDA LDA #$0000 STA $2064 BRANCH_LAMBDA LDA $2062 CLC ADC $2012 CMP #$1600 ;16 pixel max distance cap BMI BRANCH_MU LDA #$1600 BRANCH_MU STA $2062 BRA BRANCH_NU BRANCH_KAPPA LDA #$0800 CMP $2062 BPL BRANCH_NU LDA $2062 SEC SBC #$0080 STA $2062 BRANCH_NU LDA $2078 ;Same for Tail 4 BEQ BRANCH_XI CMP $2076 BPL BRANCH_OMICRON LDA #$0000 STA $2078 BRANCH_OMICRON LDA $2076 CLC ADC $2012 CMP #$1600 BMI BRANCH_PI LDA #$1600 BRANCH_PI STA $2076 BRA BRANCH_RHO BRANCH_XI LDA #$0800 CMP $2076 BPL BRANCH_RHO LDA $2076 SEC SBC #$0080 STA $2076 BRANCH_RHO LDA $208C ;Same for Tail 5 BEQ BRANCH_SIGMA CMP $208A BPL BRANCH_TAU LDA #$0000 STA $208C BRANCH_TAU LDA $208A CLC ADC $2012 CMP #$1200 ;12 pixel max distance cap BMI BRANCH_UPSILON LDA #$1200 BRANCH_UPSILON STA $208A BRA BRANCH_PHI BRANCH_SIGMA LDA #$0800 CMP $208A BPL BRANCH_PHI LDA $208A SEC SBC #$0080 STA $208A BRANCH_PHI LDA $20A0 ;Same for Tail tip BEQ BRANCH_CHI CMP $209E BPL BRANCH_PSI LDA #$0000 STA $20A0 BRANCH_PSI LDA $209E CLC ADC $2012 CMP #$0500 ;5 pixel max distance cap BMI BRANCH_OMEGA LDA #$0500 BRANCH_OMEGA STA $209E BRA BRANCH_ALTIMA BRANCH_CHI LDA #$0500 ;and also min distance cap. <_< CMP $209E BPL BRANCH_ALTIMA LDA $209E SEC SBC #$0080 STA $209E BRANCH_ALTIMA RTS } PLB LDA $0F86 AND #$0400 ;Enemy/Samus interaction ORA $18A8 ;Samus Invincibility ORA $7E7836 ;Ridley is holding Samus BNE BRANCH_ALPHA JMP $DFD9 ;Tail/Samus interaction { LDA #$000E STA $16 STA $18 LDA $7E20A4 ;Tail tip X position STA $12 LDA $7E20A6 ;Tail tip Y position STA $14 JSR $DF29 ;Surprisingly efficient collision detection. I'm going to have to steal this code. { LDA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position SEC SBC $12 ;Tail tip X position BPL BRANCH_ALPHA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ALPHA ;Absolute X distance between Samus and Tail tip SEC SBC $0AFE ;Samus X Radius BCC BRANCH_BETA CMP $16 ;#$000E BCS BRANCH_GAMMA BRANCH_BETA LDA $0AFA ;Samus Y position SEC SBC $14 ;Tail tip Y position BPL BRANCH_DELTA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_DELTA ;Absolute Y distance between Samus and Tail tip SEC SBC $0B00 ;Samus Y Radius BCC BRANCH_EPSILON CMP $18 ;#$000E BCC BRANCH_EPSILON BRANCH_GAMMA CLC ;No collision RTS BRANCH_EPSILON SEC ;Collision RTS } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E7838 ;Tail tip damage JSL $A0A45E ;Divide A (damage) by suit damage divisor. JSL $91DF51 ;Deal damage to Samus. Should not be negative or #$12C (300) LDA #$0060 STA $18A8 ;Samus's invincibility time LDA #$0005 STA $18AA ;Samus's pushback timer LDY #$0000 LDA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position SEC SBC $7E20A4 ;Tailtip X position BMI BRANCH_BETA INY BRANCH_BETA STY $0A54 ;Direction to push Samus BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } JSR $E088 ;Tail tip kills projectiles { LDA $0F86 AND #$0400 ;Check Enemy/Samus interaction BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA RTS ;Do nothing if disabled BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$000E STA $16 STA $18 LDA $7E20A4 ;Tail tip X position STA $12 LDA $7E20A6 ;Tail tip Y position STA $14 JSR $DEA6 ;Check Tail/Projectile collisions { LDA $0CCE ;Check projectile counter BNE BRANCH_ALPHA CLC ;Leave if no projectiles RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDY #$0000 BRANCH_THETA LDA $0C18, Y ;Check projectile types BPL BRANCH_BETA XBA AND #$000F CMP #$0003 BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Skip projectile if powerbomb (3) or bomb (5) LDA $0B64, Y ;Projectile X position SEC SBC $12 ;Tail tip X position BPL BRANCH_GAMMA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_GAMMA ;Get absolute X distance between projectile and tail SEC SBC $0BB4, Y ;Projectile X radius BCC BRANCH_DELTA CMP $16 ;Tail tip X radius BCS BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_DELTA LDA $0B78, Y ;Projectile Y position SEC SBC $14 ;Tail tip Y position BPL BRANCH_EPSILON EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_EPSILON ;Get absolute Y distance between projectile and tail SEC SBC $0BC8, Y ;Projectile Y radius BCC BRANCH_ZETA CMP $18 ;Tail tip Y radius BCC BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_BETA ;No collision INY INY ;Next projectile CPY #$000A ;Max = 5 projectiles (10 slots, but top 5 are for bombs) BMI BRANCH_THETA ;Check next projectile CLC ;No collisions RTS BRANCH_ZETA LDA $12 STA $0B64, Y LDA $14 STA $0B78, Y ;Move projectile to tail tip? LDA $0C04, Y ORA #$0010 ;Kill projectile STA $0C04, Y SEC ;Collision RTS } BCS BRANCH_$136126 LDA #$000A STA $16 STA $18 LDA $7E2090 ;Tail part 6 X position STA $12 LDA $7E2092 ;Tail part 6 Y position STA $14 JSR $DEA6 ;Check Tail/Projectile collisions for tail part 6 BCS BRANCH_$136126 RTS ... BRANCH_$136126 LDA $0B64, Y ;Projectile X position (now tail X position) STA $12 LDA $0B78, Y ;Projectile Y position (now tail Y position) STA $14 LDA $0C19, Y ;Projectile type AND #$000F LDY #$000C DEC A BNE BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$003D JSL $809049 ;Sound for missile collisions (dud hit? Not checked) LDY #$0006 ;Dud explosion instead of yellow smoke BRANCH_ALPHA TYA LDY #$E509 JSL $868097 ;Spawn animation (yellow smoke, unless missile, then dud explosion) RTS } JSR $DB2A ;Draw tail { LDA $0F86 AND #$0100 ;Ridley is invisible? Not sure when this happens BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E20A4 ;Tail tip X position STA $12 LDA $7E20A6 ;Tail tip Y position STA $14 LDA $7E20A2 ;Angle of tail tip. CLC ADC $7E208E ;Angle of tail part 6 CLC ADC #$0008 AND #$00F0 LSR A LSR A LSR A TAX LDY $DCBA, X ;Graphic entry for different rotations for tail tip. Format: First 2 bytes = number of tiles, bytes 3-4 = X offset byte, 5 = Y offset, byte 6-7 = character + flip + priority JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. { LDA $7E7818 ;Wing/Tail pallete STA $16 JMP $DC13 ... $A6DC13 LDA $0000, Y INY INY STA $18 ;Number of tiles, I'm guessing LDX $0590 ;OAM 'stack' pointer CLC BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $0001, Y ;Sprite's Y position offset from tail AND #$FF00 BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ORA #$00FF BRANCH_ALPHA XBA CLC ADC $14 ;Tail's Y position SEC SBC $0915 ;Scroll Y offset BMI BRANCH_BETA CMP #$00E0 ;Bottom of screen BPL BRANCH_BETA ;Skip (go to Beta) if off screen STA $1A ;Sprite's Y position on screen LDA $0000, Y ;Sprite's X position offset from tail (2 bytes) ADC $12 ;Tail's X position SEC SBC $0911 ;Scroll X position STA $0370, X ;X Coordinate of sprite (1 byte) AND #$0100 BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $81859F, X STA $1C LDA ($1C) ORA $81839F, X STA ($1C) ;Set extra bit for X position if necessary BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $0000, Y BPL BRANCH_DELTA LDA $81859F, X STA $1C LDA ($1C) ORA $8183A1, X STA ($1C) ;Set extra bit for Size(?) if necessary BRANCH_DELTA LDA $1A ;Sprite's Y position on screen STA $0371, X ;Y coordinate of sprite (1 byte) LDA $0003, Y ;Character, flip, priority (can, but should not, contain pallete choice) ORA $16 ;Pallete STA $0372, X ;Sprite's Character, pallete, priority, flip. TXA CLC ADC #$0004 AND #$01FF TAX ;Move to next OAM slot BRANCH_BETA TYA CLC ADC #$0005 TAY ;Move to next sprite to draw DEC $18 ;Decrement sprite counter BNE BRANCH_EPSILON ;If more sprites to draw, loop for next sprite STX $0590 ;Else update the OAM 'stack' pointer RTS } LDA $7E2092 ;Tail part 6 Y position STA $14 LDA $7E2090 ;Tail part 6 X position STA $12 LDY #$DC9E ;Small tail graphic JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. LDA $7E207C ;Tail part 5 X position STA $12 LDA $7E207E ;Tail part 5 Y position STA $14 LDY #$DC9E ;Small tail graphic JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. LDA $7E2068 ;Tail part 4 X position STA $12 LDA $7E206A ;Tail part 4 Y position STA $14 LDY #$DC97 ;Medium tail graphic JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. LDA $7E2054 ;Tail part 3 X position STA $12 LDA $7E2056 ;Tail part 3 Y position STA $14 LDY #$DC97 ;Medium tail graphic JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. LDA $7E2040 ;Tail part 2 X position STA $12 LDA $7E2042 ;Tail part 2 Y position STA $14 LDY #$DC90 ;Large tail graphic JSR $DBC2 ;General use draw, 7E7818 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. LDA $7E202C ;Tail part 1 X position STA $12 LDA $7E202E ;Tail part 1 Y position STA $14 LDY #$DC90 ;Large tail graphic LDA $7E7818 ;Pallete for Wing/Tail STA $16 JMP $DC13 ;General use draw, $16 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. } JSR $DAD8 ;Drawing routine for Ridley's wings { LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Facing left DEC A BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Facing front LDA #$000A ;Facing right BRANCH_ALPHA CLC ADC $7E780E ;Wing flap frame ASL A TAX LDY $DB02, X ;Pointer table: DD4A, DD6A, DD85, DD96, DDA7, DDC2, then backwards down to DD6A, DDE2, DE02, DE1D, DE2E, DE3F, DE5A, back down to DE02 LDA $7E7818 ;Wing/Tail pallete STA $16 LDA $0F7A ;Ridley X Position STA $12 LDA $0F7E ;Ridley Y Position STA $14 JMP $DC13 ;General use draw, $16 has pallete, Y is pointer to sprite data. BRANCH_BETA RTS } JSR $DA0C ;No idea. Doesn't have any noticable effect. I need to research 7E00D0, though { LDA $7E780C ;Some sort of timer/counter, initialized to 1 DEC A STA $7E780C BNE BRANCH_$135A0B ;An RTS LDA $7E780A ;Pointer to new graphic data to update BRANCH_BETA TAX LDA $0000, X BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;Positive means New graphic data STA $7E780A ;Negative means pointer to next New graphic data BRA BRANCH_BETA BRANCH_ALPHA STA $7E780C LDY $0330 ;'Stack' index for graphics to update (?) LDA #$B000 STA $00D3, Y STA $00DA, Y LDA $0002, X STA $00D2, Y LDA $0004, X STA $00D9, Y LDA #$7220 STA $00D5, Y LDA #$7320 STA $00DC, Y LDA #$0040 STA $00D0, Y STA $00D7, Y TYA CLC ADC #$000E TAY STY $0330 LDA #$0000 STA $00D0, Y TXA CLC ADC #$0006 STA $7E780A ;Go to next New graphic data RTS } LDA $7E7836 ;Check if Ridley is holding Samus BEQ BRANCH_BETA JSR $B9E1 ;If holding Samus, move Samus to within Ridley's claws { LDA $7E7828 ;X Displacement for Ridley grabbing Samus BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA STA $12 BPL BRANCH_BETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_BETA ;Absolute value of 7E7828, other than 0 SEC SBC #$0004 BPL BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$0000 BRA BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_GAMMA BIT $12 BPL BRANCH_DELTA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_DELTA STA $7E7828 ;Basically, as a signed value, reduce by 4 every frame, minimum of 0 BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E782A ;Y Displacement for Ridley grabbing Samus BEQ BRANCH_EPSILON STA $12 BPL BRANCH_ZETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ZETA SEC SBC #$0004 BPL BRANCH_THETA LDA #$0000 BRA BRANCH_IOTA BRANCH_THETA BIT $12 BPL BRANCH_IOTA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_IOTA STA $7E782A ;Same, as a signed value, reduce by 4 every frame, minimum of 0 BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction ASL A TAY LDA $B9D5, Y ;Normal Ridley to Samus X distance ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position CLC ADC $7E7828 ;X displacement STA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position LDA $7E783A ;Unknown, only used for this TAY LDA $B9DB, Y ;Normal Ridley to Samus Y distance CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position CLC ADC $7E782A ;Y displacement STA $0AFA ;Samus's Y position RTS } BRANCH_BETA JSR $D474 ;Determine and set Ridley's speed and color pallete { LDA #$0000 LDY $0F8C ;Ridley's health CPY #$2328 ;9000 (of 18000) BCS BRANCH_ALPHA INC A CPY #$1518 ;5400 (of 18000) BCS BRANCH_ALPHA INC A CPY #$0708 ;1800 (of 18000) BCS BRANCH_ALPHA INC A BRANCH_ALPHA STA $7E7824 ;General Speed modifier, 0 - 3 DEC A STA $12 BMI BRANCH_BETA LDA $7EC400 ;Unknown BNE BRANCH_BETA LDA $12 ASL A ASL A ASL A SEC SBC $12 ASL A ASL A ;Multiplied by 28 in decimal CLC ADC #$E46A TAY LDX #$01E2 LDA #$000E JSL $A9D2E4 ;Copy 2*A bytes from (Y) to 7E:C000,X BRANCH_BETA RTS } RTL } E84D: Fireball angle/speed calculation { PHX PHY LDA $7E7820 ;Facing direction BNE BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if facing right LDA #$FFE7 ;-19 pixels CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 LDA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position SEC SBC $12 STA $12 ;$12 = Samus_X - Ridley_X + 19 LDA #$FFD5 ;-2B pixels CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position STA $14 LDA $0AFA ;Samus's Y position SEC SBC $14 STA $14 ;$14 = Samus_Y - Ridley_Y + 2B JSL $A0C0AE ;Rough angle calculation given X (in $12) and Y (in $14). Angle 0 = up (-Y), 40 = right (X), 80 = down (Y), C0 = left (-X) SEC SBC #$0080 ;Now FF80 = up, FFC0 = right, 0 = down, 40 = left, 80 = up EOR #$FFFF ;Now FF80 = up, FFC0 = left, 0 = down, 40 = right, 80 = up INC A AND #$00FF ;Now 0 = down, 40 = right, 80 = up, C0 = left CMP #$00B0 BCS BRANCH_BETA CMP #$0040 BCC BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$00B0 ;If between 40 and B0, use B0 (Left up-left) BRA BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_BETA CMP #$00EB BCC BRANCH_DELTA BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$00EB ;If above EB or below 40, use EB (Down down-left) BRANCH_DELTA STA $12 BRA BRANCH_EPSILON BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0019 ;19 pixels CLC ADC $0F7A ;Ridley's X position STA $12 LDA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position SEC SBC $12 STA $12 ;Samus_X - Ridley_X - 19 LDA #$FFD5 ;2B pixles CLC ADC $0F7E ;Ridley's Y position STA $14 LDA $0AFA ;Samus's Y position SEC SBC $14 STA $14 ;Samus_Y - Ridley_Y + 2B JSL $A0C0AE ;Rough angle calculation given X (in $12) and Y (in $14). Angle 0 = up (-Y), 40 = right (X), 80 = down (Y), C0 = left (-X) SEC SBC #$0080 ;Now FF80 = up, FFC0 = right, 0 = down, 40 = left, 80 = up EOR #$FFFF ;Now FF80 = up, FFC0 = left, 0 = down, 40 = right, 80 = up INC A AND #$00FF ;Now 0 = down, 40 = right, 80 = up, C0 = left CMP #$0050 BCC BRANCH_ZETA CMP #$00C0 BCS BRANCH_THETA LDA #$0050 ;If between 50 and C0, use 50 (Right up-right) BRA BRANCH_IOTA BRANCH_ZETA CMP #$0015 BCS BRANCH_IOTA BRANCH_THETA LDA #$0015 ;If below 15 or above C0, use 15 (down down-right) BRANCH_IOTA STA $12 BRANCH_EPSILON ;$12 contains angle LDA #$0500 JSL $86C26C ;Calculates A * sin ($12 * 360/256), result in A. STA $7E7832 ;X component of speed LDA #$0500 JSL $86C272 ;Calculates A * cos ($12 * 360/256), result in A. STA $7E7834 ;Y component of speed PLY PLX RTL } Tail Routines CD24: Tail bouncing { JSR $CBFE { LDA $7820 ;Direction facing ASL A TAX LDA $A6CC12, X ;3FF0, 3FF0, 3FC0 STA $2016 ;Minimum Angle LDA $A6CC18, X ;4040, 4040, 4010 STA $2018 ;Maximum Angle RTS } JSR $CC1E { LDA $2020 ;0 = not rotating?, 8000 = rotating? AND $2034 AND $2048 AND $205C AND $2070 AND $2084 AND $2098 BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA SEC RTS BRANCH_ALPHA CLC ;Don't branch if all tail parts are rotating RTS } BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ;Skip LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$00FF CMP #$00F0 ;1/10 chance of skipping distance check BCS BRANCH_BETA LDA $0AF6 ;Samus X SEC SBC $000F7A ;Ridley X. o_O BPL BRANCH_GAMMA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_GAMMA ;Absolute X distance CMP #$0080 ;Half a screen BCS BRANCH_ALPHA BRANCH_BETA ;All tail parts are rotating, + 1/10 chance or Ridley is within 1/2 a screen of Samus. LDA $201C ;Optional maximum AND $201A ;Optional minimum BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$3F00 STA $201A LDA #$0008 STA $2014 ;Tail parts' angular speed RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $2020 ;I think these are all flags for each tail segment. Minus means that tail part is moving angularly? ORA $2034 ORA $2048 ORA $205C ORA $2070 ORA $2084 ORA $2098 BEQ BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if none are rotating RTS BRANCH_DELTA BIT $0FAC ;Ridley's Y speed BMI BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$0005 STA $2000 ;Tail control index BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$FFFF STA $201A STA $201C ;Disable optional caps LDA $2010 BNE BRANCH_ZETA BRANCH_THETA STA $2014 ;Angular speed of Ridley's tail parts RTS BRANCH_ZETA DEC A STA $2010 ;Some sort of timer? BNE BRANCH_THETA LDA #$8000 STA $2020 ;Set first tail part to rotating JSR $CE65 ;Set angles to 40XX, XX is previous angle (fifth part is actually first part's 40XX) { LDA $202A ;Angle of first tail part AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $202A LDA $203E ;Angle of second tail part AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $203E LDA $2052 ;Angle of third tail part AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $2052 LDA $2066 ;Angle of fourth tail part AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $2066 LDA $202A ;Angle of first tail part AND #$04FF ORA #$4000 STA $207A ;Angle of fifth tail part LDA $208E ;Angle of sixth tail part AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $208E LDA $20A2 ;Angle of tail tip AND #$00FF ORA #$4000 STA $20A2 RTS } LDA #$0008 STA $2014 RTS } CC39: Fling tail at Samus: Setup max angles (CBFE), then if tail is 'prepped' (all tail parts rotating, target angle not set yet, $2004 (trigger?) is set), target an angle. Target angle is first projectile near tail tip, in a 8x8 tile square centered on tail tip, or Samus. Max rotational speed, 8. If no tail parts are currently moving, start the first one moving. { JSR $CBFE ;Set min and max tail angles based on direction JSR $CC1E ;SEC if all tail parts are rotating, else CLC BCC BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $CC7D ; { LDA $2004 ;Tail fling trigger BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $201C AND $201A BMI BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if optional limits are unused BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $2002 ;Main battle AI flag (0 = inactive, 1 = active, FFFF = dead) BEQ BRANCH_GAMMA LDA $05E5 ;RNG AND #$00FF CMP #$00F0 BCS BRANCH_BETA ;Branch 1/10 times LDA $0AF6 ;Samus X position SEC SBC $0F7A ;Ridley X position BPL BRANCH_DELTA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_DELTA ;Absolute distance CMP #$0080 ;1/2 a screen BCS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$0000 BRA BRANCH_EPSILON BRANCH_BETA ;If Norfair, only here if 2004 is set and angle targets are currently unused LDA $2004 DEC A BRANCH_EPSILON JSR $D19D ;Target an angle (towards a missile or Samus) for tail. Note: Actual angle is actually twice the angle chosen, since each tail segment doubles it. Also, tail circles 2*A amount of times first { AND #$00FF XBA STA $200A ;Revolutions to make LDA $7820 ;Direction facing DEC A BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if facing forward LDA $7802 ;Main battle AI BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if inactive JSR $D242 ;Target a missile/super missile if available { LDA $20A4 ;Tail tip X position STA $12 LDA $20A6 ;Tail tip Y position STA $14 LDA #$0040 ;Tail tip detection area STA $16 ;X size STA $18 ;Y size LDA $0CCE ;Samus's projectile counter BNE BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if there are projectiles CLC RTS BRANCH_ALPHA LDY #$0000 ;Start loop, projectile 0 (of 4) BRANCH_IOTA LDA $0C19, Y AND #$000F ;Projectile type DEC A BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if missile DEC A BNE BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if not super missile BRANCH_BETA ;Missiles and super missiles go here LDA $0B64, Y ;X position of projectile SEC SBC $12 ;Ridley's tail X position BPL BRANCH_DELTA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_DELTA ;Absolute distance SEC SBC $0BB4, Y ;Projectile X size BCC BRANCH_EPSILON CMP $16 ;Tail tip X size BCS BRANCH_GAMMA ;Branch if miss BRANCH_EPSILON LDA $0B78, Y ;Y position of projectile SEC SBC $14 ;Y position of Ridley's tail BPL BRANCH_ZETA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_ZETA ;Absolute distance SEC SBC $0BC8, Y ;Projectile Y size BCC BRANCH_THETA CMP $18 ;Tail tip Y size BCC BRANCH_THETA ;Branch if hit BRANCH_GAMMA INY INY ;Next projectile CPY #$000A BMI BRANCH_IOTA ;Branch if still between projectiles 0 - 4 CLC RTS BRANCH_THETA LDA $0B64, Y STA $12 LDA $0B78, Y STA $14 ;Put projectile X/Y into $12/$14 SEC RTS } BCC BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if no missile/supermissile targets LDA $12 SBC $202C ;Tail part 1 X position STA $12 LDA $14 SEC SBC $202E ;Tail part 1 Y position STA $14 BRA BRANCH_GAMMA BRANCH_ALPHA RTS BRANCH_BETA LDA $0AF6 ;Samus X position SEC SBC $202C ;Tail part 1 X position STA $12 LDA $0AFA ;Samus Y position CLC ADC #$0018 ;+18 pixels SEC SBC $202E ;Tail part 1 Y position STA $14 BRANCH_GAMMA PHB PHK PLB JSL $A0C0AE ;Rough angle calculation given X (in $12) and Y (in $14). Angle 0 = up (-Y), 40 = right (X), 80 = down (Y), C0 = left (-X) PLB SEC SBC #$0080 EOR #$FFFF INC A AND #$00FF ;0 = down (Y), 40 = right (X), 80 = up (-Y), C0 = left (-X) STA $12 LDA $7820 ;Direction facing BNE BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if facing right LDA $12 CMP #$0018 ;down down-right BCC BRANCH_EPSILON CMP #$00E8 ;down down-left BCS BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$00E8 BRANCH_EPSILON ;Caps are E8 - 18, if 19 - E7, use E8 instead. CLC ADC #$3F00 SEC SBC $200A ;Number of revolutions to spin tail CMP $202A ;Angle of tail part 1 BCS BRANCH_ZETA STA $201A ;Optional lower (clockwise) target LDA #$0008 STA $2014 BRANCH_ZETA RTS BRANCH_DELTA ;Facing right LDA $12 CMP #$0018 ;down down-right BCC BRANCH_THETA CMP #$00E8 ;down down-left BCS BRANCH_THETA LDA #$0018 BRANCH_THETA ;Caps are E8 - 18, if 19-E7, use 18 instead. CLC ADC #$4000 CLC ADC $200A ;Number of revolutions to spin tail CMP $202A ;Angle of tail part 1 BCC BRANCH_IOTA STA $201C ;Optional upper (counterclockwise) target LDA #$0008 STA $2014 BRANCH_IOTA RTS } PLA BRANCH_GAMMA STZ $2004 RTS } BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $2020 ORA $2034 ORA $2048 ORA $205C ORA $2070 ORA $2084 ORA $2098 BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if no tail parts are rotating RTS BRANCH_BETA LDA #$8000 STA $2020 ;Start first tail part rotating LDA #$FFFF STA $201A STA $201C ;Disable target angles LDA #$0002 LDY $0AF6 CPY #$0070 BCS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$0001 BRANCH_GAMMA STA $2014 ;Rotation speed = 2 if Samus is on the right half of the screen, 1 if on the left. Why? RTS } CCBD: Swing tail in circles { JSR $CBFE ;Set min and max tail angles based on direction JSR $CC1E ;SEC if all tail parts are rotating, else CLC BCC BRANCH_ALPHA JSR $CD0C ; { LDA $2004 ;Tail fling trigger BEQ BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $201C AND $201A ;Target limits BPL BRANCH_ALPHA LDA #$0001 JSR $D19D ;Target an angle (towards a missile or Samus) for tail. Note: Actual angle is actually twice the angle chosen, since each tail segment doubles it. Also, tail circles 2*A amount of times first PLA STZ $2004 BRANCH_ALPHA RTS } BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $7E2020 ORA $7E2034 ORA $7E2048 ORA $7E205C ORA $7E2070 ORA $7E2084 ORA $7E2098 BEQ BRANCH_BETA ;Branch if all tail parts are still RTS BRANCH_BETA LDA #$8000 STA $7E2020 ;Set first part to rotating LDA #$FFFF STA $7E201A STA $7E201C ;Disable target angles LDA #$0002 LDY $0AF6 CPY #$0070 BCS BRANCH_GAMMA LDA #$0001 BRANCH_GAMMA STA $7E2014 ;Rotation speed = 2 if Samus is on the right half of the screen, 1 if on the left. Why? RTS } CDAA: Extend tail. Happens only while tail bouncing, moving downwards, and no tail parts currently rotating { JSR $CBFE ;Set min and max tail angles based on direction JSR $CC1E ;SEC if all tail parts are rotating, else CLC BCC BRANCH_ALPHA ;Always branches? { ;All this code NEVER HAPPENS! Just go to Branch_Alpha LDA $05E5 ;Random number AND #$00FF CMP #$00F0 ;1/10 chance of branching BCS BRANCH_BETA LDA $0AF6 ;Samus's X position SEC SBC $000F7A ;Ridley's X position BPL BRANCH_GAMMA EOR #$FFFF INC A BRANCH_GAMMA ;Absolute distance CMP #$0080 ;1/2 a screen BCS BRANCH_ALPHA BRANCH_BETA LDA $201C AND $201A BPL BRANCH_ALPHA ;Branch if both target angles are used LDA #$3F00 STA $201A ;Set lower (clockwise) target angle LDA #$0008 STA $2014 RTS } BRANCH_ALPHA LDA $2020 ORA $2034 ORA $2048 ORA $205C ORA $2070 ORA $2084 ORA $2098 BEQ BRANCH_DELTA ;Branch if no tail parts are rotating. Always branches? RTS BRANCH_DELTA BIT $0FAC ;Ridley's Y movement BMI BRANCH_EPSILON ;Branch if moving up. Never branches? LDA #$0006 STA $2000 LDA #$0A00 STA $2028 STA $203C STA $2050 STA $2064 STA $2078 STA $208C STA $20A0 ;Set all tail parts' target extension distance to A pixels LDA #$4000 STA $202A STA $203E STA $2052 STA $2066 STA $207A STA $208E STA $20A2 ;Set all tail parts' angles to straight down LDA #$8000 STA $2020 ;Start tail part 1 rotating BRANCH_EPSILON LDA #$FFFF STA $201A STA $201C ;Disable target angles LDA $2010 ;Some sort of timer? Always 0 / never used? BNE BRANCH_ZETA JMP BRANCH_THETA ; ... BRANCH_ZETA DEC A STA $2010 BNE BRANCH_THETA LDA #$8000 STA $2020 ;Start tail part 1 rotating JSR $CE65 ;Set all tail angles to 40XX LDA #$0008 BRANCH_THETA STA $2014 RTS }